Monday, September 21, 2009

Great start to the week

Great start to the week

Good evening!! Sorry for blogging later than usual but I was busy doing homework...duh! I hope everyone had a lovely Monday and a nice start to the week because I sure did :) Not all Mondays are horrible, I mean yeah they can be since they are the start of yet another long week. But today was an exceptionally well Monday morning because I got some good news! And besides Gossip Girl is on tonight, so Mondays are already good ;)
Every Monday (as you may or may not know) I go see Karen from Health Services for my weekly check up where she weighs me and does my vitals. She makes sure everything is going well and to check in to see how I am doing! I have seen her four times since school has started (today was my fourth). Every week I have been doing well and she said just to keep it up.
Last Monday she told me if everything keeps going in the right direction than I would be able to get back to playing lacrosse in probably three more weeks, so that was exciting. But this morning after she weighed me and checked my vital signs she asked what I have been doing at lacrosse practices and I told her I have been just shooting and passing (nothing strenuous). I thought she was asking me because I may have lost weight and she was asking me what I do at practice because maybe it was too much. But she actually was asking me what I would do when I got back to playing and I told her I would start off slow and just take what my body could handle at first and to not overdue it! So she told me I could start practicing THIS WEEK!!! I was in total shock since last Monday she told me I probably had three more weeks left! So for her to tell me I could start this week was very unexpected! Karen told me I could practice 2 out of the 4 days we have pratice this week. I was soo excited to hear this news and it totally made my day. Right when I heard this news I knew today would be a great Monday :) This morning for breakfast before I heard the great news I had a yogurt mess in my dorm room. I was kind of nervous for this weigh in because I kind of felt like I have been slacking this past week?!
I had a Brown Cow Vanilla yogurt with Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana with 1 tbsp. PB & Co. Smooth Operator peanut butter with milk.

The past two days my Brown Cow Vanilla yogurt has been very soupy and not thick at all :( This has never happened to me before. At home Brown Cow is always thick and yummy. I don't really know why because the temperature in my fridge is up all of the ways and everything else in my fridge is staying cold! The Stonyfield yogurts are staying thick so I don't know whats up. I would rather have my greek yogurt nice and thick but I guess I will deal with it!

This morning I had my first Nutrition Test and it went pretty well:) Then I came back to my room to eat a quick lunch before heading off to my Biochemistry Lab for two hours. For some reason lab this year goes my MUCH faster than last years Biology Lab. Maybe because I enjoy this lab because it is a required class for Nursing Majors and that it is in the afternoon. Rather than last year I had Biology Lab at 8 in the morning on Thursdays and it was not my favorite subject!

For lunch I had a smoked turkey wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, along with pretzels and a very sweet apple with milk.

This afternoon was spent doing homework and then I just had dinner with the girls. I had some delicious grilled swordfish with green beans with mint, a dinner roll with flax, and a glass of milk.

Tonight I will be watching GOSSIP GIRL with the chicas and then maybe doing some more biochem homework! Good night lovies <3


  1. Eh, Mondays are... eh. :D The start of a new week always gets me tired because I stay up so late on Sunday night. Which I really shouldn't do. But I do anyway. Every week. ^^' Oh, well, I'll learn one day!

  2. Congrats girlie!! I'm so happy to hear that! :)

  3. Hey Jenna,

    I have been reading your blog for a little while now and this is my first time to comment but i just wanted to tell you it sounds like you are doing a FANTASTIC job staying on track with eating and school and not letting last years eating issues bring you down!
    Oh and i love your yogurt breakfasts they always look SOOO good!! Have a great rest of your week and congrats on the lacrosse news :)

  4. That is fabulous news! I'm so excited for you!

  5. im so happy to hear that you are able to practice again!!
    very proud of you :)

    honestly an inspiration.. i really want to see a nutrionist.. but my mom says I could be a nutrionist.. for a job.. so I should waste the money and just do therapy.

    its so much better to have someone GUIDE you though .. ugh. Thats why I have this blog though.. eh?

    woa sorry for my rant.

    have a beautiful day

  6. congrats on ur health! Glad to know ur doing better..

  7. That's great: I'm really excited for you being able to play again...Enjoy!

    xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  8. My Monday was fab--both 2 classes cancelled--parrrrtay!

  9. yay for being able to practice at the end of the week :) your doing SUCH a great job!

  10. Yeah! Congrats on getting to start officially practicing again!
