While at school...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

HELLO everyone! I first want to say I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I feel like I haven't blogged in oh so long, well that's because...I haven't! The last week of school I was very very busy, all I basically did was eat, sleep, study, with occassional trips to the gym. I am happy to say I am home and done with finals and enjoying break with my family :)

I have had these pictures for quite some time so I decided to do a quick post of what I was up to during finals week.

Yogurt messes were a must obvi.Hummus per usual with veggies and pretzels.My fav Luna Bar by far.More snacks I munched on while studying...Salmon topped over veggies for dinner out to eat.

And for my roomie's 21st birthday we went out to a hibachi grill!I started out with Miso soup.followed by a salad with ginger dressing.and for my meal I got teriyaki shrimp over veggies with a side of sticky white rice. Lots and lots of stydyinggg. But the one thing that kept me sane during finals was my evening snack of fro yo with toppings ;)

Well folks that was a wicked (yes, I say wicked) quick post from while I was at school and I will be soon doing a recap of my Christmas. Can't wait to share with you what I got...but I will give you a hint of one thing I got...starts with a C, ends with an A, is 6 letters long, and lots of bloggers use them ;)



Jess said...

YAYYYY for a CAMERA!! I can't wait to hear more about itttt.

Lovin' the froyo with toppings!

Molly said...

ahhh I got a new camera for Christmas as well! Love it!

Annie :D said...

oh jeez I can so relate about finals week! It was HORRIBLE! So glad it's done with. Glad you had a good Christmas Jenna! Can't wait to hear about it :)

Jil @ Big City, Lil Kitchen said...

Love that you say wicked :) - part of my vocabulary as well! :) That fro yo looks so delicious!

dailycandy said...

Ive been in recovery/treatment for about 8-9 years. I think its awesome that you are doing so well with eating. I do know from experience, that when you are so focused on food, you havent solved the problem yet. Do you think you are too consumed with food still? I mean, posting picture after picture of food is a little extreme no?

Anonymous said...

ah yeah u got a camera!!! i also love that applesauce pb combo.. why have i never thought of that?!

Anonymous said...

SCORE!! A new Camera?? I can't wait to see which one!
I ALSO can't wait for your Christmas post. I love seeing everyone's Christmas's!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you've had a great holiday, Jenna!
Food looks as amazing as usual :)
Can't wait to hear more about your presents!
Is it really a camera?
Love you, girl!

Fi said...

New camera?? I just bought one today! Enjoy. X

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I LOVE FroYo! SOOO good! We just went there for dinner last night in fact. Yes, dinner. Don't judge. :P Hope you had a fabulous Christmas! :)

Kelsey Ann said...

mm ive been enjoying lots of yogurt and granola lately, its such a brain booster isnt it! well im sure ur yummy evening snack is more of "brain food" <3


Lisa said...

Haha, I can TOTALLY relate about needing something sweet at the end of the day to get me through finals! I love icecream with m&ms. Yum! =)

Anonymous said...

Jenna :)
I've been a long time reader and I'm so glad that you seem so at ease with food now.
Your happiness just shines through, especially with this post! Congratulations on everything and best of wishes to your future!

Anonymous said...

Okay so I just spend like 20 minutes catching up on your old post & Jenna i am SO proud of you :) you really seem to be making huge steps and great progress! yay you!

ps. the teryaki shrimp looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the camera! I've been drooling over them all year!

Josie @Skinny Way Of Life said...

hahaha I'm an idiot, it took me a minute to figure it out! that's sad. But yay for cameras!! I was surprised by my father in law with a Nikon D3100 for Christmas and I LOVE it!

Everything looks so yummy and It's amazing to see how far you've come, keep it up girl! : )

Megan D said...

Ooh new camera?! Exciting!! :)

Anonymous said...

is that apple sauce with PB?! GENIUS! :D

Jaclyn said...

Glad you are having a good break and done with finals - always a good feeling!!

Hope you have had a nice Xmas break with your family and sisters too!

Love humus and veggies, sooooo good.. the best is humus with veggie chips - yum! that salmon salad and shrimp hibachi dinner also look right up my alley ;)

Anonymous said...

Its okay! We all HATE school! Lol
Food looks yummy!
Hope you've been having a good break!
I just found your blog! I want to be a Physicians assistant so we have simialr interests!

Anonymous said...

EW. I hate finals.

Looks like a tasty time, though. I usually just eat chocolate and coffee during finals week. :/

Anonymous said...

Ha, camera! I love your blog girl! All the pictures loook delish! So glad that I found your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Jenna! You had so much stuff in this post..but the MoJo bars! Yummmm! I'm going to be hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in about a month and a half, and I'm bringing some MoJos....LOVE THEM! :)


Penny said...

Chocolate peanuts and banana, what a great combo! I could really munch on some right now with a cup of coffee from my single cup coffee maker and a little ice cream!

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