Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Thanksgiving Break

Why hello my bloggie readers! I sure hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day last week and you truly enjoyed your day with family, friends, and loved ones along with some amazing food...because I sure know I did :) My goal for this years holiday was to make sure it was NOT like last year when I was deep in my ED and did not get to fully enjoy the holiday and it was just awful. But I must say this years Thanksgiving was SOOO much better than last years and I really did enjoy it to the fullest! More to come later on in this post ;)

But onto some other delicious eats while over break at home!Yes this is a CINNAMON CRUNCH BAGEL from Panera Bread! These are by far my favorite bagels and I loved to eat them before my eating disorder. This was the first time in a longgg time that I ventured out to eat not just only a plain old bagel...but a Panera Cinnamon Crunch Bagel! This was a huge step because while recovering in my ED I have always feared bagels. I am pretty sure this was my last fear food that I have yet to conquered, but now I can finally say I have!Oh and then the next morning what did I have...just another bagel! You can see I was on a bagel kick ;) This was a Thomas' whole wheat bagel with peanut butter and homemade jam, a banana, and a glass of milk. And just to clarify this was a real sized bagel and not a mini! After breakfast this morning which consisted of eggs with hot sauce, english muffin, banana, and milk I was craving a Dunkin Donuts glazed munchkin that was sitting in the box on my I had one! I showed my dad and he was like what come out of you?! Hah. I simply just wanted one and so I had one! It was that easy and just as delicious as I remembered them to be!Trader Joe's Triple Berry O's that I picked up while at home. I love the dried fruit in the cereal, and it adds a nice sweet touch!Love this bar because it is a Sweet & Salty Trail Mix Bar! Perfect combo.Dollop of peanut butter in my yogurt...why not?!Peanut butter Granola Thins crumbled in my yogurt...hey why not?! This was my first time trying these and they were very good and also want to try the Chocolate thins as well.Went on a nice coffee date with my bff and had a Vanilla Bean iced coffee at my new favorite coffee place, LalaJava!

But now onto Thanksgiving!My plate included everything on the table! I had turkey with corn bread, stuffing, mashed potatoes, creanberry sauce, and maple glazed sweet potatoes. I went back for seconds on the stuffing because it was by far the best dish of the meal, so good!My aunt also had Maple Pumpkin Butter for us to try which was very good and I put some on my bread.Dessert #1 at my aunt's house was all about fruit and chocolate for me! There was a huge Edible Arrangements display which I dove right into. I started out with some some regular fruit along with 2 chocolate dipped Granny smith apples covered with cinnamon! They were that good that I even went back for a third! Hey it was Thanksgiving and I wanted another one so I did!Dessert #2 at my other aunt's house was blueberry pie topped with Vanilla Bean ice cream. Yumm! This is so like the OLD JENNA without an ED and I absolutely love it!Subway for lunch. I ventured out and tried Miss. Vickie's JALEPENO chips which were very hot, but very good!My aunt's homemade stuffed shells, a spinach salad, and toasty bread. I made my own spinach salad topped with dried cranberries, toasted almonds, mushrooms, tomatoes, and dressing. Oh how I love babysitting...getting paid while being able to eat delicious food and hang out with my cousins ;)Tropical Chicken Salad with warm flatbread.Frozen yogurt was consumed while I was home!As well as some real ice cream! So that was my Thanksgiving Break! It was very enjoyable and was very sad I had to come back to school :( But to look on the bright side I will already be home again for Christmas break in less than 3 weeks! Ehhh, can't wait :)

Hope you are all having a great start to the week after the holiday!



  1. It's such an inspiration to read how far you've come, Jenna! :)

  2. Glad you had a good break...all your eats look delicious! Chocolate Fudge Brownie is my favorite Ben and Jerry's flavor!

  3. aww thanks alexia! it is soo worth it :)

  4. the chocolate fudge brownie is defs one of my favs with the chunks of brownieeee! yummay.

  5. so glad you enjoyed your thanksgiving! that how it should be! that maple pumpkin butter sounds incredible!

  6. Cinnamon Crunch Bagels are my favorite too! Good to hear the granola thins are good. I've been wanting to try them forever. Which reminds me to look for a coupon. I have never seen that frozen yogurt before, so interesting, what brand is it? MMM gotta love ben and jerrys! Well..I just love all ice cream lol! So glad you didn't let ED get in the way of the holidays or your life in general! Everything looks so yummy.

  7. Looks like you had an awesome thanksgiving and I'm so glad that you no longer fear bagels. Bagels are the BOMB!!


  8. omg! yes, bagels are the bomb!!!

  9. omgsh Jenna so proud of you! Looks like you had a fabulous ED free thanksgiving break. And a cinnamon crunch bagel? I have never heard of such a thing but it sounds delicious! I wish we had Panera here! You rock girl! I love when you post!

  10. Everything looks so yummy! I'm glad you had a good thanksgiving! That cinnamon crunch bagel looks so good... I think I know what I'm going to get for breakfast tomorrow!

  11. omg annie! you MUST try a cinnamon crunch will change your life! i shall send you one ;) hah! and i am so glad you like it when i post!

  12. hey! i'm so happy you had such a fun, ED free thanksgiving! that sounds wonderful :)
    i think it's hilarious how you found my blog and told me to come check out yours when guess what?!?!.....i've already been reading yours since last spring! ahaha :D surpriiiiiiise!

  13. ahhh really?! hah. well i am in love with your blog and i hope you enjoy mine as well ;)

  14. Thanks for the comment!
    You are doing so well! Congrats!
    Glad you enjoyed your thanksgiving, look forward to reading more of your blog :)

  15. Mm. Panera bagels are my favorite as well. I love cinnamon the best too.

  16. You're such an inspiration to me!

  17. I haven't had one of those cinnamon crunch bagels from Panera in AGES. They tore down the one by my office so I have been jonesin :( Those and the asiago cheese bagels are the best!

  18. Thanks for your comment, i DO follow your blog! i love it :-)

    Gotta say, well done for tackling those bagels, i find them a big fear for me too... but its all about facing those fears head on right?! if we used to enjoy them pre-ED, why shouldnt we let ourselves enjoy them now?!

    Glad you had a good thanksgiving, i wish we did that over here!

  19. thank you for you comment! glad you like my blog! keep up the great work with eating what YOU want!! :) yeah..i'm pretty stoked about christmas break too!!!!!

  20. It is so great that you are coming so far with your ED. I still struggle with my own problems (and I'll admit, Thanksgiving was a bit rough), but you are such an inspiration!

  21. Wow everything looks so delicious! And I can totally relate because bagels were my number one fear food too.. and panera french toast bagels were one of my favorite things. The day i finally allowed myself to have one was a big day indeed.. go you!

  22. jess! whenever you wanna overcome and eat that panera bagel you let me know and i will do it with you ;)

  23. Oh and also - I use a Panasonic Lumix!

  24. Yay! You are a Fear Food Conqueress!
    Bagels for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
    Savor and celebrate your conquest!
    Lots of love,

  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog Jenna, I am glad that it brought me to yours.

    Your Thanksgiving eats look great.

  26. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! I will admit I don't think I could stop at just one Dunkin Donuts munchkin :)

  27. Oh my goodness, I love Edible Arrangements!

    All your other eats look delish as well!

  28. Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog, nice to 'meet' you. Panera's cinnamon crunch bagels are totally my favorite too. ;)

    Glad you had a good Thanksgiving and are doing well with everything, have enjoyed checking out your blog!

  29. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for your sweet comment :-)

    That maple butter sounds good!!!!

  30. Yay for lots of yummy eats and not letting ED get in the way of enjoying thanksgiving! :)

  31. First of, maple pumpkin butter?! Yes please :) Also, I am the same way with baby-sitting. I swear it is just one of the perks...eating other people's food. There are always so many tasty new things to try!

  32. I would love some maple pumpkin butter and those jalapeno chips are my favorites. Of course not both together.

    I'm so happy you enjoyed yourself over the break. You deserved it.

  33. I could have written the same thing about Panera's cinnamon crunch bagels. They are so good, but I became *afraid* of them for a while. Now I know that food is food and it's nothing to be fearful of. Way to go, girl!

  34. I used to work at Panera and absolutely ADORE the bagels, YUM! :)

  35. You are such an inspiration Jenna!
    I look at you and hope that one day (hopefully soon!) I too can reclaim more of my life back!

  36. congrats on enjoy Thanksgiving! Seem's like a big step. That cinnamon crunch bagel look AMAZING!

    with love and cupcakes,

  37. im so proud of you! you dined in style for the holidays. i hope all is stil lwell and uve been enjoying lots of fun festivities <3

  38. Thanks for stopping by. I love those MOJO bars!!! I want that bagel, too.:)

  39. How many delights in this post! I've never eaten cinnamon bagels because I don't find it, but I guess it's delicious! =)

  40. I LOVE MAPLE PUMPKIN BUTTAAA!! It's so good. Try it on bananas!
