Sunday, August 8, 2010

Livin' my life!

Hey boos! Hollah atchya ;) I hope you all have been having a great summer so far now that it is near end :( I must say this summer totally flew by but recently I have just been so busy livin' my life! I want to keep moving in the right direction I am on now and continue for the rest of the summer and into the new school year.

I have just been focusing on the present and that is what really keeps me going lately! The more and more I recover it has been getting easier and easier and I have less ED thoughts. I used to constantly think of food and when my next meal was going to be and what was I going to have etc. But now I don't think about food as much and I don't think too much about my next meal, I just take care of it when the time comes around. Because worrying about the future is gonna get me anywhere!

I have also gotten to be very flexible now a days with what and when I eat which is a huge step and I am so proud of for. I used to eat on a very rigid time schedule and I would wait until the exact minute to when I could eat, or should I say to when ED would allow me to eat. I now try to eat every 2 1/2 hours or so but if I am hungry before that then I will just EAT! No biggie! And then before I would always rush to eat if I was late and not following my time schedule, ED would totally get me going and I hated it. But now the timing of when I eat doesn't all that affect me. Sometimes I am not hungry for dinner around 7pm so I will wait longer and then other times if I am out and we eat at 6pm I am fine with that. Time doesn't really bother me anymore. I have learned to just go with the flow and everything really does work out and if it doesn't then you just work around to fix it.

So enough blabbin' I will now show you some of my eats lately ;)
Typical yogurt messes of course ;)Scrambie eggs, banana, english muffin with buttah and milk. It was a perfect Sunday summer breakfast out on the porch!Snacks have been Zone and Balance bars.
The usual turkey & cheese on wheat bread with pretzels and a peach.

Sushi!! I was totally craving it one night so I ran to TJ's to pick up some.

Strawberry Poppyseed & Chicken salad with baguette. Love this summery salad!

CHIPOTLE! Burrito bowl with rice, black beans, chicken, salsa, and cheese! Holy yum.

OMG! This might have been the best veggie pizza I ever had. It was topped with broccoli, tomato, onions, mushrooms, peppers, and ROASTED eggplant (which was soo delish) and cheese but not that much sauce. Could have used a bit more in my opinion. But overall it was yummay!

Asian Salmon Spinach salad from Ruby Tuesdays.

And of course summer cannot be complete without barbeques!! I must tell you I go to at least one just about every single weekend, no lie. My family loves getting together and I love it as well! We have so much fun

So enough with the food pics and like I said before I have just been livin' my life! I have been vacationing with the fam, nannying, hanging out, relaxing, eating new foods, and just loving life. There is just soo much more to life than my ED and I can't wait until further on into my recovery to live my life more!!

Here are just a few pics...

Yeah don't ask! My sister and I thought it was funny.Hanging out with my cutie (aka cousin) on the swings the other day.

Well that is all I got here on this hot Monday evening. I am off to watch some reality tv...Bachelor Pad and Housewives of NJ. You know it ;) Then gotta hit the pillow early because I got a early day of nannying ahead of me tomorrow and it's gonna be a hot one!



  1. you look wonderful! So happy and healthy. I love hearing about all the good things happening in your life. Plus those yummy eats. :)

  2. Hii cutie pie! Loving this post - you sound like you're making really important progress and I'm happy for you!! Keep rocking it out! Love you!!

  3. i am SO glad you've been enjoying your summer to its fullest-- you deserve it, girl.

    i'm so proud. youre so admirable. ROCK ON, hehe

    have a fantastic night!
    <3 becca

  4. Love the yogurt mess! Haha! This was a particularly good picture ;)
    I am so happy for you that your ED is getting so much better. Keep it going and don't be one of those people who ends up relapsing! We can be the exception to the rule!

  5. im so incredibly blown away and inspired by you tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep it up and all will fall into place.i have faith in u

  6. You are fabulous :) Glad you are living up your summer! You seem to be not only living life, but LOVING it. Which is perfect :)


  7. You look so happy!! I am BEYOND proud of you :D

    Delicious looking eats as well!!
    <3 jess

  8. I am SO HAPPY for you!!! <3

  9. Jenna I am incredibly happy for you, and amen to living without worries. Life is too short to worry about the little things. Keep on keepin' on girl.

  10. p.s. I'm REALLY craving Chipotle now. Thanks, you bitch! :) Haha

  11. Oh, Jenna, I am so happy for you, and I hope that I can get to be as strong as you are against ED! The way that you can live each day without thinking too much about what to eat or when to eat it is wonderful! I can tell that you are enjoying food and getting excited about it instead of battling it. Thank you for the inspiration!!


  12. You are amazing, Jenna. I am sososo proud :)

  13. Hey!
    I just sent you a msg to your inbox...
    Hope you can get back to me!

    Please keep updating your blog! it really helps!!

  14. You look beautiful and I'm so glad that you have been living life and having a blast!

    Haha.. I love that tree! So random.

  15. ah i'm so happy for you honey!!! i'm glad you're living it up and having so much fun!!!

  16. i really do appreciate all of your comments and they mean a lot to me!
    i have been working extremely hard this summer in my recovery.
    i had my weekly weigh in today and all went well! WAHOOO.

  17. Jenna! You look like you are really making great strides! Remember that if you keep pushing yourself, you are only going to look better and better! Live life because you only get one shot! Those bbqs look awesome, so eat up! It's gonna be winter before we know it :( Do one thing that scares you everyday and break the rules :) You can do it! You already are! Remember, try to mix up your meals a little each day, and soon, no food will scare you. I know you love those turkey sandwiches but trust me when I tell you the occasional ham and cheese won't kill you! Make little changes now and again and you won't regret it! I think everyone is sooo proud of the progress you are making. It really is true, once you really committ, there is no turning back! I'm glad to see you have finally decided to JUST DO IT! :)

  18. I just love your yog messes :)
    I have my sushi cravings too! haha I get my supply from costco

  19. You look beauuutiful, hun!!! And that pizza looks sooo yummy!
