Friday, July 16, 2010

And I'm off!

Hey loves and Happy Friday! I am going to do a lil quick post for y'all before I head out for the weekend once again :) I am visiting my cousins for the weekend with my aunt and grandma!

So you can probably say I have been a lil obsessed with overnight oats lately.
Yesterday morning I woke up to Overnight Oats in a Jar.
The night before I mixed a packet of oatmeal with Yoplait Plain Greek yogurt in an almost empty jar of AB and added a lil bit of milk and let it sit overnight to soak up. Then in the AM I added sliced banana on top and gave it some stirs and there ya have it!Holy yum! It is soo good. I love how the oats get soaked up in the yogurt and how with each bite I get a taste of AB ;)

Since I had yet another nearly empty jar of pb I just had to re-create OOIAJ again last night for this morning ;)
This was the same as the previous day with a packet of oatmeal and Yoplait Plain Greek yogurt in a pb jar and then topped with banana.If you haven't tried Overnight Oats I highly advise you to give it a try tonight!
I haven't forgotten about my lovely yogurt messes, don't worry!Yummy omlet made with two eggs, american cheese, and broccoli with an english muffin with the last droplets of blueberry jam, I know pretty pathetic but that's all that was left!

I have been switching up my morning snacks by trying new and different bars.

Kashi Caramel Peanut Roll! bar. These Roll! bars are very good and I love how chewy they are as well.Peanut Butter Pretzel Clif Mojo bar.I love how sweet and salty this bar is!Nature's Path MMMaple Pecan chewy granola bar.

Lunches have been the typical turkey sandwiches.

And of course with Annie's Chocolate Bunnies. We have come pretty much in love with Annie's products in my house that my mom stocked up with a few boxes at Target since they were on sale :) We also love Annie's mac & cheese too!I had this Strawberry Crunch Harvest Power Bar the other day at the movies when I went to see Grown-Ups which was wicked funny, almost too funny. I like these bars and they are very oat-y (if that makes any sense?!). They are nutritionally the same as Clif Bars but are a nice change.

This whole week I have been having dinner kinda lately. Kinda random but I just thought I would let y'all know!

A few nights ago I had Chicken Alredo with broccoli!

Pre-ED this dinner was definitely one of my favorite doubt! I would order it out at restaurants and loved my mom's homemade chicken alfredo. But ever since ED I have strayed away from it because of course the dreaded SAUCE. ED would once again tell me not to have this meal because of the sauce, he would suggest I just have it plain with the noodles, broccoli, & chicken. Umm can you say boring and so not tasty?! I think so. I mean of course I would be getting in my carbs, veggies, and protein, but hello what about a lil bit of fat to make this dish taste that much better! I was so glad I had this meal for dinner and it tasted amazing :)

Yesterday my mom and I made one of our weekly visits to Target (of course) and this little package spotted my eye ;)

This would be P.F. Changs Shrimp in a Garlic Sauce. I have never seen these meals or heard about them before, have you? They had a buch of different variations but I settled on this one. They were also on clearance since I don't think they are selling at the Target I go to. But don't worry because I bought them ;) This meal was super easy to cook as well. All I had to do was cook it on a skillet on medium high for about ten minutes and look how tasty it looks! It was as if I was actually dining at P.F. Changs ;)Since this frozen meal only came with shrimp and veggies I need some carbs in this meal (obvs!) so I could up some white rice and then topped it with the shrimp and veggies. This meal was quite spicy since it was cooked in garlic sauce but it added a great kick to it which I loved! Overall I really enjoyed this meal and plan on going back to Target to buy some more of the other flavors since they were good and on sale.

Well I am off to go get my eyebrows waxed then to the bank, Borders to get me some books, and get a sticker on my car all before I leave for the weekend in about 2 1/2 hours! Eeek!

Have a great weekend :)



  1. Hi Jenna!

    I am totally loving the Kashi Roll! bars as well. I love the crunch on the outside and the super-chewy inside. Plus, I know that Kashi always puts good stuff in my body. I will definitely have to try overnight oats, so I'll have to be smart enough to remember to plan ahead the night before:).

    I look forward to hearing about your fun weekend! I'm sure ED is not invited on this weekend getaway.


  2. Love overnight oats, but it's been way too long. Maybe I should make some for tomorrow. :-)

    Glad you're having a great summer so far! Love Annie's products. Those bunnies are definitely delish!

  3. I have never made overnight oats! So you just mix together the oats, yogurt and milk and set it in the fridge? I am intrigued-overnight oats seem so different. I'll have to try them soon! I just found your blog and I love it-your photos are so fun to look at and your inspiration is contagious :) Keep up the good work girl! I'll be adding your blog to my Favorites!

  4. Aww thanks Katie! And yup that's all you do and they are super simple and delish:)
