Thursday, March 18, 2010


Happy Thursday! Whooo tomorrow is already Friday! The weeks seem to just be flyin' by lateyl. Anyone else with me?

So last night I switched up my evening snack. What what! My dining hall has a make your own milkshake and smoothie machine that has been a big hit among students! I have been wanting to try one real bad since the beginning of the semester but I just haven't been daring enough until last night when I finally ventured and got a Blueberry Raspberry Pomegranate Smoothie!
I was very anxious before hand since this was something new for me. Well I mean I have definitely had smoothies before but not since my ED. But I must tell you it was delicious and I enjoyed every single 16 ounces of it. I was proud I reincorporated something I used to eat before ED back into my life.This morning I had a yog mess and I added a lil something to it. I had Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, 1 cup Kashi Heart to Heart Honey Toasted Oat, sliced banana, and 1/4 cup Kashi Go Lean Crunch, topped with Crazy Richard's creamy peanut butter with milk on the side.After two classes I had my mid-morning snackaroo which was a Vanilla Boost with a NEW bar to me, I tried the Nut Delight Kind bar. This bar was filled with almonds, peanuts, Brazil nuts, and walnuts and had a nice touch of honey to it. The only thing I didn't like about this flavor was how hard it was (TWSS). But no seriously it was very hard to bite into, not like the other Fruit & Nut Delight Kind bar. But I will still be having these again in the future!

Then I had one more class and got some lunch with the girls in the dining hall. I was in the deli line planning on getting my usual lunch but I decided to challenge myself and get something different! I just always think I have to have a sandwich/wrap for lunch since it is a common lunchtime meal. But that is so not true because I realize not everyone in the dining hall is in the deli line, they are getting all different things to eat. That is what the dining hall provides so many options because it would be quite boring to eat the same thing day after day which I am finally coming to realize ;)
Today for lunch the action station was serving chicken caesar salad so I decided to go ahead and get it. I also had a baked potato and an apple on the side with milk. I was proud I not only got the salad but also a baked potato because I usually don't have them since ED tells me they are filled with carbs, but hey my body needs those CARBS! The salad had REAL caesar dressing, croutons, and parmesan cheese on top. One of me fear foods is dressings and condiments on foods. But lately I have been incorporating salad dressings back into my meals, like when I go to Panera and order the amazing BBQ Chopped Chicken salad which has BBQ ranch dressing on it!
Dinner tonight was my usual lunchtime meal, nothing special. Turkey & swiss cheese whole wheat wrap, pretzels, a not yet ripe pear, and milk.

Well I am off to shower then get some work done before relaxing for the rest of the night. I am debating whether or not going home this weekend. I am leaning towards going home because I feel I do well eating wise while at home! Also because I want to continue going in the right direction in recovery and to see the fam ;)

Have a nice Thursday night!



  1. YAY JENNA! i am so proud of you chica! i know it took some courage to step out of your safe food zone, but i'm so glad you did and that it was delish!

  2. Hey good job on adding to bfast this morning! Was there yogurt or anything in the smoothie besides fruit?...'Cause an all-fruit smoothie is likely much fewer cals than a boost, ay know...

  3. i had an all fruit smoothie from Smoothie King today that was def pushing 600 calories (granted it was 32 oz) so.. i mean i think they could be relative to ensure.. just a thought but I could be wrong

    WAY TO GO GIRL! very proud of your additions/changes. slow but steady changes

  4. Great job w/ the smoothie honey! It looks delicious and nutritious!

  5. JENNA you are doing awesome! KEEP IT UP!! you are BIGGER than eds voice! proud of you!

  6. aw jenna this is awesome.

  7. way cool you added something new!!

  8. awesome!!!! way to fight and i'm glad you enjoyed some new eats!!

  9. you know i think you hit the nail on the head there by stating that you get wraps because you think thats what everyone else is eating for lunch.. thats the most common lunch food- wraps and sandwiches.. so why not you know??
    definitely cool you went outside the "box" for lunch : )

  10. Awesomeness! I need to get those smooothies at my school! :D

  11. HAHA i love the name of that smoothie because i ALWAYS say "f'reals!" that rules! have a fun weekend!

  12. Oh, this makes me very happy :)
    It is awesome that you really try challenging yourself.
    Even though it still looks a bit "diet-food" to me, you show that you keep pushing yourself which is great!

    Have you talked to your nutrionist on how you can solve your fear of desert?
