Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Sunday of Spring!

Hey everyone! Hope your first weekend of Spring was beautiful :) Mine sure was!

I am gonna do a quick recap of my Sunday because I got some studying to get done and plus there are some good t.v. shows on tonight...The Apprentice & Wild Girls ;)
Breakfast this morning was a lil different. I had a Honey wheat english muffin with the last bits of Crazy Richard's (NOT so) creamy peanut butter, yogurt, a banana, and a glass of milk.Even though this jar is Crazy Richard's CREAMY peanut butter, once I got to the end the peanut butter wasn't all that creamy, it was rather grainy and hard :( Boo. I think this happens because of the oil separation. Since the pb was icky I decided just to throw away the rest of the jar and what was left of the pb (probs a tablespoon or so). Yes I know I threw away peanut butter! Sounds like a sin but trust me it was blahh. But look on the bright side now I get to open up another jar :)
After breaky I snuggled back up in my bed again to get a few more z's in my own bed ;) I then got up to shower and get ready for the day and then for my morning snack I had a Vanilla Boost and a Fruit & Nut Delight Kind bar.

Then at noon I drove my middle sister to the gym to meet up with her friend. Driving to the gym today brought back lots of bad memories from this past winter break when I drageg myself to the gym and put myself through so much pain and work :( It was nice to just drive to the gym knowing I wasn't doing that today. Then I got back home and worked on my Microbiology study guide since I have a test on Tuesday!! Then it was already time to pick her up a little while later. One the way home I stopped at Subway to pick up some lunch!
I had a turkey & swiss cheese on wheat bread (with a lil bit of mayo!) along with Original Sunchips, an apple, and milk.Then I worked on more of my study guide and later had this Crunchy Peanut Butter Clif Bar as a snack. Before I headed back to school my mom and youngest sis went to Chili's for dinner. I ordered the Margarita Grilled Chicken which was awesome! This was the first time I had this meal as I usually order the salmon. But tonight I was feeling adventurous and got something new! It was a Classic Margarita-flavored grilled chicken with hints of lime and citrus, served with rice, black beans, tortilla strips and house-made pico de gallo. I think I found a new favorite and will definitely be getting this again. I recommend giving it a try next time you go to Chili's!

I am glad to be back at school after a nice weekend at home and now I am peacin' outta hereee! G'night lovies :)



  1. you're doing so well :) this is so nice to see!

    i FREAKING LOVE SUNCHIPS! and subway! Whoo!

  3. I'll be sure to try this next time I go to Chilli's. I tend to stick with the same thing, but trying something new is always fun.

  4. So good to see some changes and nice filling eats up in here girl. Love you!

  5. Nice job Jenna! I can tell you're really working hard!

  6. Glad you had a good weekend and yea for SPRING!

  7. I´m so proud of you, Jenna!
    Keep the great job, honey!
    Have a terrific week!
    Brazilian XOXO´s,

  8. I was proud I ordered something different tonight since I usually order the same thing and I like to see a picture of what I am ordering on the menu but tonight I just went with what the decription said and went with it :)

  9. yayy for new choices!! its such an exhilarating feeling :] glad you had a great weekend! isn't this weather wonderful? ahhh <3 i could bath in the sun forever!

  10. i looked at the nutrition info at chilis and it's the lowest cal thing on the menu.. 380 cals... hmmm...

  11. I'm glad to see some of the changes you're making, Jenna, and I hope you continue to do so. I also hope that you don't "sugarcoat" on your blog, because while I think it's great to have a positive attitude, I sometimes feel like you might be preventing yourself from talking about some of the hardships you are facing.

  12. Jenna, you go girl! I am just amazed at how great you are doing! Keep up the good work and soon you'll be lookin' sooooo good in some new summer duds :)

  13. Anon 12- don't you have anything else to do than to look up the calories that i eat?! i mean honestly get a LIFE!

  14. Gaaah, why don't we have that type of snacks in Norway?! They looked good :o

    You have to continue eating this good, challenge yourself and try to eat even a bit more! You can do it, everything seems impossible before it is done.
    Do you have an evening snack each day?
    And, just curious, what type of treatment are you in these days- is it both a psychologist and an nutritionist?

    Hope you have a lovely monday,
    Hedda :)

  15. Jenna, I think this is pretty good but isn't that like hte lowest calorie option on the menu? I am glad you are trying to change it up but a lot of these meals still look like someone on a diet :-\ keep it up though! you have been challenging yourself alot

  16. jenna, don't get so offended- it is true that it was the lowest cal thing..

  17. Good job choosing something new! I love Chili's!

  18. I'm sorry Jenna but Anon 12 is right - you got the LOWEST cloric option on the entire entree menu. Really? wow.

  19. regardless of whether or not I have a life you're dancing around the point.

  20. i don't mean to be so defensive but it is really frustrating when all of the anon commentors just criticize EVERYTHING i eat!
    i am blogging my recovery and sharing a lot of my life with the blog world and all these anon commentors do is bash on my blog while they don't even have the guts to post their own name!

  21. good u ordered! about time :-)
    new is the best
