Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Break

Hey lovies! Thanks for all of you who checked out my Formspring and asked me some questions! If you haven't checked it out then go ahead :)

Well I am home...again and this time for Easter Break for six days! Ohh the perks of going to a Catholic college ;) I am gonna do a quickie post for y'all because I wanna chill out with the fam for the night.
Breaky featured a yog mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, 1 cup Kashi Honey Sunshine, sliced banana, and PB & Co. Mighty Maple peanut butter with milk on the side.
AM snack was a Strawberry Banana Naked Juice Smoothie and a Trail Mix TLC Kashi bar.Lunch was a veggie burger w/ swiss cheese on whole wheat bread, pretzels, a pear, and milk.

After lunch I had my weekly appointment and then headed HOME!! On the car ride home I snacked on a Chocolate Chip Clif Bar.

Dinner tonight was my mom's homemade lasagna, half meat and half plain for my non-meat eating sisters. I had a nice sized piece of the meat side with a piece of Italian bread and a glass of milk. What a great dinner it was and I am glad to be back home :)

Well I am off to the grocery store to pick up some essentials while home for the next week! See ya on the flip side ;)

What is your favorite homemade meal?!



  1. It looks like you are doing well with eating, but it only looks liks enough food for maintenance. Are you going to try to up your intake so that you can continue gaining?? I hope you dont take that the wrong way, but I am just worried about you... you seem like a really great girl!! :)

  2. What a great meal to come home to!! YAY!!! I love my mom's soups and her spinach pie...which she hasn't made in forever...hmm maybe it's time for a request!!!

  3. My dad is Italian and makes the best pasta, meatballs and sausage! Oh man, I can't wait to get home to be with my fam. They're visiting me this weekend but there's nothing like going home to them. Jealous!! Enjoy your week!!

  4. Gotta love mama's cooking :) YUM! Looks delicious.
    <3 jess

  5. lasagna looks awesome! i think i pretty much love every home cooked dish at home. chinese food is the bomb dizzle.

  6. That lasagna looked delicious!
    I get home-cooked dinners every day, haha, so a bit spoiled and lucky when it comes to that :)
    The best must be when my mum decides to make pizza. There is something special about homecooked meals, must be that sprinkle of love that they are made with.

    Have a Happy Easter :)

  7. I adore this blog - can't believe I only just found it! Hilariously, every day I have for lunch: sandwich, pretzels, carrot sticks, hummus. Every day. Gotta love pretzels!

  8. I tried to check out your formspring thing but it didn't work for me...

  9. Looks like you're doing a good job stepping out of your comfort zone!! yay for lasagna!

  10. aww thanks jemima! i am so glad you enjoy reading my blog!

  11. tia- both links work to my formspring?! i am not quite sure why it didn't work for ya-perhaps try again?

  12. thanks katey! and i hope you continue blogging :) love reading!
