Monday, March 1, 2010


HAPPY MARCH everyone!! Can you believe it is already the month of March?! It's crazy but the good news is spring begins in 20 days!

Yesterday on my post I got a few anonymous comments concerned about me not posting my eats. I will admit I haven't been all that good showing you everything I have been eating and I am sorry:/

In order to hold myself accountable I need to make sure I continue to post everything I eat so I can make sure I am following to my meal plan and doing what I need to!

Onto my eats for the day, I must admit I love the new Yoplait Greek yogurt! You know I am a huge fan of Greek yogurts and Yoplait is delicious and quite cheaper than other brands out there which is a plus! If you haven't tried this yogurt I suggest you do :)
I had something different for cereal this morning, Kashi Heart to Heart instead of the usual Go Lean. I love the lil hearts, they are so cute ;) Yogurt and cereal topped with a sliced banana and Naturally More organic peanut butter which I also have been lovin' lately. I love how you can really taste the lil flax seeds in the pb as well!This morning Mr. UPS delievered a lil package from Nature's Path including these two new boxes of bars, Berry Strawberry and MMMaple Pecan!They both look great and I can't wait to try them!

Lunch this afternoon was a nice combination of turkey, american cheese, and pear slices on Arnold's 100% Whole wheat bread with pretzels, the rest of the pear, and a glass of milk.
I munched on some of the pretzels while my sandwich was in the panini maker before I took the pic...I was hungry while waiting!Turkey + American Cheese + Pear= Amazing! Love this must try it! I picked up this loaf of bread yesterday at the store and OMG it was sooo fresh! Nothin' beats fresh bread!

So those are my eats so far for this first day of March!

What are you most looking forward to this month?!



  1. There's something about grilling a sandwhich that takes it too another level :) Looks great!

  2. girl no worries about not posting all of your eats! you do what you want. as long as YOU are taking care of yourself! mm those bars look great-i bet the maple one is aweesome! have u tried all the popchip flavors yet?

  3. katie- i know! i can't wait to try both of the new bars but the maple sounds delish-snackie tomorrow? i think so!
    and NO i haven't tried all the popchips yet, i still have a bag of original to try!

  4. oooh that panini maker sounds awesome! the sammich looks sooo good :)

  5. I am going to try your pear and turkey sandwich! Sounds like a great combo.

  6. are you still eating your snacks in the morning?

  7. i want to try that nature's path stuff! yum :). i always hope that you are keeping up with your meal plan but if you're not able to snap pics all the time i of course understand! i'm lloking forward to spring break!

  8. I just tried the yoplait greek too- the honey vanilla flavour...pretty good, gotta say :)...looks like everyone is hopping on the greek bandwagon!
    March= SPRING BREAK in three weeks :)

  9. My 30th Birthday is this month YAY!! :)

    that sandwich looks so amazing!

  10. I want a panini maker! What I'm looking forward to this March is warmer weather!! Come on Spring!!

  11. 1. I LOVE heart to heart!
    2. My grocery store doesn't carry yoplait's new greek yogurt. I've looked for it the past three times I've gone. :(
    3. I am sooo looking forward to my spring break this month!!!!

    Way to keep yourself accountable with your eats! I'm so proud of you girl!

  12. yum! I need make more panini's like that!

  13. no snacks?
    *sigh* jenna why do you keep doing this to yourself? (going back to school, doing great for a week or 2, then dropping off..)


  14. Those bars sound really good!! Yummy looking yogurt mess :)
    <3 jess

  15. Have you tried the Mighty Maple yet?

    Love your eats! Kashi heart to heart is awesome! My only problem with it is that it turns kinda mushy in yogurt :/

  16. Jenna- those snack bars are made from "flax"- do you know what that is? From Wikipedia "flax seed is very low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for people who limit their intake of starches and sugars. And its combination of healthy fat and high fiber content make it a great food for weight loss and maintenance -- many dieters have found that flax seed has been a key to keeping them feeling satisfied." Definately NOT something you should be eating.

  17. Also, do you know what your Kashi cereal with all that fiber makes you do? That is one reason why you have lost weight instead of gaining... (the couple of pounds you may have gained in last 2 weeks can't offset what you've lost over past 2 months alone). You're eating all diet foods and foods high in fiber and flax seed, which makes your body purge.

  18. I just bought some Naturally Moore PB! Haven't had any yet though....I saw it on your blog so I thought I'd try it out.

  19. Jenna, I feel like you are in complete denial - please seek help, you desperately need it. Why do you keep doing this? Are you embarrassed to get help? Don't let your pride get in the way of your health. We've all been through this, and no, it's not easy, it's not supposed to be. So show some respect for others and be honest, this isn't you "recovering" or "getting healthy", this is bullshit. Sorry to put it that way, but it really is. It's a vicious cycle you're putting yourself through again and again. Praying for you, Jenna.

  20. Okay I normally wouldn't say this but I need to comment to Anon #16. GIVE HER A BREAK! She isn't eating pure flax...she got samples of a granola bar that has flax in it. Flax is an excellent source of omega's and it's just a granola bar- not a special K low cal bar. I understand a lot of these commenters concerns but SERIOUSLY! Stop being so obnoxiously nitpicky and realize that she is a person too!

  21. You really need to eat more.

  22. I love that you have a panini maker! Slightly jealous! We usually cheat and use our mini-foreman grill ;) Whatever works right?!


  23. omg yoplait has greek fro yo! no way! gotta find this asap. dont listen to the anons jenna...they are assholes. just keep doing your dayum thing :)

    love u.


  24. I am beginning to think that you just enjoy the attention you get on this blog when you are struggling. Jenna, I strongly urge you to step away from the blog and go seek help. I really think you need it.

    Also, who is advising you to eat that kashi go lean cereal in the morning on a regular basis? I agree that that can't be good for you.

    Please realize you need help. Before it's too late.

  25. I'm looking forward to the sun being out early in the morning, but we've got to wait a bit longer for that!

  26. arnolds bread is really great... grew up on it! i should start eating more sandwiches for lunch, i never do for some weird reason.

    keep working hard, girl.

  27. jenna, while i dont think all of the anonymous comments are the nicest, i don't think you should completely ignore them either. think about it :)

  28. JENNA! you are doing so amazing girl. please ignore those annon comments, sounds like they're all from the same person who is just out to do more harm. it's so not neccessary. i think your doing an awesome job and that bread looks delishhhh. you are challenging yourself so well and are such an inspiration!!


  29. Yeah, there has to be a reason you consistently don't post your dinners. Your breakfasts and lunches are way too low in calories for someone who is trying to gain weight. Plus, you should an awful lot of pictures of foods you buy/receive...but then never seem to eat? Seems like a lot of "filler" to me.

  30. Ohh, that MMMaple Pecan looks amazinggg! As does the dollop of PB on top of your yogurt mess. Lots of love!! <3

  31. Anon 29 has a VERY good point! It's just the same old stuff Jenna.
