Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Sunday Recap

Happy Monday! It sure was windy out there walking around campus today. Brrr! I hope you all had a good Monday after the big game last night!

I know I certainly had a great time family and friends watching the game! There was so much laughter, fun, eats, and game pools! Not to mention I won the pool at the end of the first quarter last night. I am happy to say I am $25 richer :)

My mom drove me back last night after the game was over so I didn't get back to campus around 11:15 and then my mom still had to drive home, so she got home at 12:15 am
! The things moms will do for their daughters ;)

So the one word that comes to mind when I think of a Superbowl Party is obviuosly football (duh) but also FOOD! The whole game seems to be centered around food. I was pretty proud of myself because I was not as nervous as I usually get before going to parties where I don't know what food will be served. But it wasn't until I saw the whole table filled with food was when I got a bit scared as to what I was going to eat! I will get to more on this later.

Without further ado I will let the pictures do most of the talking from the game! I warn you there are tons of iPhone food pics. I actually really felt like an actual food blogger last night ;) But there is defs more room for improvement.

this table of food. Note this was just the start of the food, there was much more to come!

First up were the appetizers...

Bread & spinach dip and chips & dip

Shrimp cocktails and fruit

Chicken wings and a calzone dish (don't know what exactly was in it though!)

Now if that weren't enough food, it was now onto the main dishes...

We have some CHILI! Yummm.

Pulled pork, meatballs, and sloppy joes

Homemade mac & cheese and baked ziti compliments of my mom ;) They were obviously delicious and the kids' favorite dishes!

And of course you can't have a Superbowl Party without desserts...

My aunt's homemade brownies. Now she is so NOT a cook, but she happens to be a great brownie baker ;) She knows that too! Then, some dark chocolate brownies with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

My pretzel candy melts I made, obviously in Valentine's Day colors and some sugahh cookies.

Cream puffs are always a big hit! Along with a COLTS cake, clearly a Colts fan brought it!

I hope you didn't get too hungry as you were looking through all those pics!

So let me back up to my anxiety around all the food last night. Like I said before I didn't get overwhelmed until I saw all the food on the table. My mind just kept going in all different directions. I was thinking about how much calories were in each meal, which foods I should eat, which foods I shouldn't, what everyone else was eating, etc.

I literally walked around the table several times before putting any item of food onto my plate. Ridiculous, right?! But alas, I finally calmed down and did the best I could to choose the foods that best fit into my meal plan. It definitely wasn't easy, but it WAS possible.

Even though I had a lil anxiety before hand, I felt as though I did a good job eating the foods that were there and that fit well into my meal plan!

Well I am off to do some homework because it sure ain't gonna do itself and I have to get it all done before The Bachelor tonight ;)

How was your Superbowl night?



  1. yes! good for you for finding foods that work in your meal plan. and yayaya for being $25 richer ;)

    I'm trying to do some hw now as well so that I can watch the bachelor. As you can see, I'm blog reading though

    Enjoy your night

  2. Hey! Good for you it seems like you had a great night, and looking at those pictures definatly made me hungry haha. You made it through girl and you have to give yourself 100% credit on that one. Stay strong and anythings possible and you have proved it! xo Brooke

  3. ah yummy pictures! i totally understand your little bit of anxiety. im glad you were able to get through it and still find stuff that fits in your plan. thats awesome girl,i hope you have a good monday:)

  4. Glad you faced the anxiety and found something that worked for where you are at right now, instead of just not eating. And hopefully someday you will be able to go and choose whatever you will enjoy without any negative thoughts or repercussions :)

  5. omg the superbowl spread looks amazinggg =]
    Can't wait for the Bachelor tonight!!!

  6. That's a LOT of foooood!! guess it's a really fulfilling night :-D which team do you support?

    I made some chili too!!! it's just for the season. that calzone dish looks interesting...looks like black sesames and cheese inside?? haha

    I like that chip bow - is it football shaped ? cool!!

  7. My superbowl night was lowwwww key (though I splurged and went for chips and queso!). I just chilled at my apartment and well...that's that. :)

  8. Oh girl, sounds like you did really well!!! That's a LOT of choices... overwhelming for anyone. I would totally dominate the fruit.. just because I LOVE LOVE fruit. And brownies. Oh yum :)

    Yes, I got my homework out of the way for the bachelor too haha what we do for our shows..

  9. im glad you were able to figure out what fits into your meal plan. stay strong, jenna and don't be afraid to get help if you feel like you need it :) i feel like i am truly starting to let go of my ed and it feel sso incredibly freeing! i want u to feel it too :)


  10. shrimp cocktails + brownies = <3 !
    those pretzels are SO cute!

    as for the s.bowl - i didnt end up watching.. haha!

    xox, Vera

  11. I hear you with the walking around the table. =) Know how that goes. But it sounds like it went great! Thanks for the encouragement btw and I look forward to reading your blog.


  12. well done for not getting to worried. I often do the walking round the table several times before taking something. I need to get my courage up! I'm glad you had a good time and thanks for checking out my blog! Helen x

  13. GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH OK HAD TO GET THAT OUT! i was a bit overwhelmed at the superbowl as well, but i just paid attention to the game because i am a HUGE FOOTBALL FAN and HUGE new orleans fan!

  14. We're big football fans from Indiana, and we LOVE LOVE LOVE the Colts. It was a heartbreaking game. We had wings and breadsticks, nothing fancy.

    I love your little pretzel candies. How cute is that? :)

  15. Oh the cheesy tots are soo yummy!! But all your superbowl food looks even better!! Jealous. :D

  16. Good for you Jenna! I am proud of you for going to a party, being social, and finding food that you were comfortable eating! You are stronger than your ED and you are proving it everyday!!

  17. Jenna good for you for doing this! i know its hard-and it WILL get easier the more you put yourself out there!!

  18. Wow so much delicious looking food! Good job choosing foods that are right for you! All those desserts look great!

  19. my superbowl night was definitely not nutritionally sound, but i got to spend it with family we never get to see so i figured that was the price to pay (they brought all the food, not a thing was healthy). thank you for your honesty on your struggle that night, and the encouragement that it IS possible :)

  20. so, which foods did you end up eating?

  21. Wow that spread looks amaaaaazing!

  22. Ok, I'm coming to your Super Bowl Party next year, wow! After I got done drooling, I also love that cute football dish! I know situations like this can be stress (been there for sure) but even if it takes us a little bit longer, that's ok, because it's all a learning & growing process, and that's just part of it :)
