Monday, February 22, 2010

New eats left and right!

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend. I am excited, motivated, and ready to take on this week! I think it is because of this beautiful weather that I am so happy today :) But I am also excited because Spring Break starts on Friday...already! Isn't that crazy?!

In case you did not know this week is National Eating Disorder Week and Caitlin from Operation Beautiful is dedicated her blog to it this week. I think you all should go on over and check out her blog ;)

This morning for breaky I had a yogurt mess with some more DCD! Did you honestly think I wasn't going to have DCD again for breaky?! Let's be real ;)
In my yogurt mess was Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, banana, and PB & Co. DCD peanut butter on top with milk on the side.This morning for snack I had a Strawberry Kiwi Naked Juice with a Fruit & Nut Delight Kind Bar. This was my first time trying this bar and I was very pleased! It contained peanuts, almonds, brazil nuts, and walnuts along with pieces of fruit. My dining hall sells these bars so I am going to give the other flavors a try as well.Yesterday afternoon I also tried a new bar, Banana Nut Odwalla Bar. This bar tasted just like homemade banana bread with pieces of walnuts in it. I was very pleased with this bar!Then I tried yet another bar this afternoon! I have just been trying new things left and right, this is so not like me!

I had the Peanut Butter & Jelly Larabar! Yes, Meg you heard me right ;) Now I will honestly tell you I have been scared to try these bars only because they have a lot of fat calories :/ But after talking to my wonderful girl about it she discussed how the fats in these bars are healthy fats that will make my hair shine, my skin smooth, andmy nails grow! So
I told her my goal for this week was to try a Larabar and well I did! It took me less than a day to achieve my goal. See, I really am determined when I put my mind to it :)
I have seen a lot of hype over the PB & Jelly bar so I made sure to try this flavor first. My first bite into the bar did not impress me, I did not really taste anything. But after a few more bites and analyzing the flavor, I started to taste the peanut butter and cherries a little bit. I thought this bar was going to be a lot better than it was but it was just okay. But I would be willing to give it another try! I really liked how this bar had a very simple imgredient list with only dates, peanuts, unsweetened cherries, and salt. Well that is what I got for ya today! I am now off to do some studying and then get some dinner with the girls :) Then The Bachelor Women tell all tonight. Should get pretty juicy!

Have you tried any of these bars before?



  1. I've tried a few of lara bars -- i do like how the ingredient list is very short, I'm more of a fan of the clif bars or simply a fiberone bar -- it might not be as complex as some of the other ones, but it's affordable.

    i finally got around to commenting -- after seeing you post on my blog! love new readers!

  2. I'm so happy for you Jenna! See, once you face your fears, you begin to realize that there's really NOTHING to fear, but everything to gain and benefit from. This goes for all aspects of life, not just recovery. I know you've got the strength in you, it's just a matter of finding it, and really putting it to good use.

    Healthy fats are so amazing! I enjoyed a Gingersnap Larabar this morning in class, btw. And some Dark Chocolate Dreams is def. on my shopping list!

    Love ya girl. Talk to you soon!

  3. I love the Pb&J Laras but I don't really love any of the other flavors too much! I still want to try that Kind Bar!

  4. Im so glad youre trying new things! Arent they wonderful!? I used to drink 2 naked juices in one sitting in college. Obsessed with the mango one.

  5. Ahhh I love Naked Juices.. I really am only obsessed with the Green Monster Naked.. OH soo good.. or is it called Green Machine... I cannot remember I know I call it monster but really it is machine.. hmm?! You should try it out! Don't let the color fool you its awesome.

    Love odawalla bars.. always forget about them!

  6. I'm afraid to try DCD because I think I would eat the entire jar :)

  7. My fave larabar is the apple pie one .. I love apples+cinnamon and I love how it tastes. I LOVE the simple, clean ingredient list on Larabars, that's why I'm totally okay eating them, they're healthier than most energy bars out there. I do love Odwalla, too - all their products, juices, bars, whatevs. So good.

    I love that you are facing your fears and trying new things. It's so inspiring and it's nice to see you're doing well.

  8. i LOVE that lara, maybe you just got a dud? sometimes i've had bad experiences with laras but then i try them again and they're so much better. not all homogeneous i guess! good for you for trying new things tho!

  9. so glad you are trying new things!! that must feel great :) it is an important part of recovery- keep on doing your thing ! i knew you'd love dcd.

  10. love the pbj larabar so good! i actually just bought one today at whole foods :)
    and love kind bars too, i dont think i have tried that one, but the date and walnut one is my favorite!!

  11. What is DCD? I'm gussing some kind of nut butter??

    I haven't tried Larabar's yet either, they seem so small for so many calories. I am getting some samples soon and I can't wait.

  12. Proud of you Jenna, let's keep this great attitude! Don't look back and keep going!

    x Julia (Taste of Living)

  13. OMG angela!
    DCD stands for Dark Chocolate Dreams and it is a peanut butter flavor from the company PB & Co., they have amazing peanut butter! You must check out their site and you must try it!

  14. I'm so jealous of all the awesome varieties of bars you get there. :) Never tried any of them myself.

  15. I've tried the Odwalla Banana Nut. It was yummy!! I have never tried the Lara bars because I thought they had too many calories like you did. I need to get over it and try one already!

  16. I used to be afraid of Larabars because of the fat content too. Now I eat them all the time!
    I tried the Odwalla banana nut a while ago and liked it. I heated it up in the microwave for 10 seconds and it tasted like a slice of banana bread straight from the oven :)

  17. Weird, I tried the pb & j lara bar for the first time yesterday! I thought it was really good. I find that lara bars are kind of a different category than most other bars. They taste simpler in a way, probably because its basically just fruit and nuts. Most other bars have some sort of grain in them. I want to try that Odwalla Banana Nut bar!

  18. If you like really sweet foods, definitely try the Kind, Mango Macadamia bar. It is by far the best bar I have even had the pleasure of eating!

  19. I keep meaning to try the 'Kind' bars and with that review maybe I finally will. I've had a couple of the Lara bars. I love that they're all natural, but I've had mixed thoughts on the flavors. Some I like, some not so much.

    Though the reunion episodes are always entertaining, I'm impatient and just want to know who wins already!

  20. Try the Cashew Cookie or the Coconut chocolate one! THose are my favorite Lara Bars. Lara Bars are so good for you and go great crumbled in your YOATGURT! Great post Jenna. You are an inspiration!

  21. Hey!!! I'm so glad you found my blog and are enjoying it!!! Can't wait to follow yours and learn about all your tasty eats! Thanks for becoming a reader!

  22. yes! i have heard the cashew bar is great :)
    crumbled up in a yogurt sounds liuke a great idea! i must get on that asap.

  23. yea i dont like larabars they leave me unsatisfied...same with the peanut butter cookie.

  24. Hey Girl,
    thank for coming to read my blog!! Here I am visiting yours too... I look forward to reading more!!

    PS. I don't like the peanut butter and jelly one either... icky... but the tropical flavor is like a party in your mouth! haha

    take care,

  25. I've tried all three of those bars and I love them all! Laras are definitely always my favorite, hands down. Glad you finally tried them! Have a great night!

  26. Look at you girl! Lovin' all of the new bars. I was not a huge fan of the PBJ lara either. It's just okay. The PB cookie lara is AWESOME!

  27. Hey, thanks for stopping by earlier!

    I've tried all those bars, KIND bars are too fabulous. I agree with you on that flavor of Lara though, not as amazing as I was expecting.

  28. Congrats on reaching your goals girl, so happy for you!!!
    I like Lara Bars but I have yet to find that flavor. however, I'm in LURVE with Odwalla Bars.. so good!

  29. Mmm great bars! LOVE larabars!
    <3 jess

  30. I LOVE naked juice! It is sooo good. I've never tried a lara bar, but am a fan of all things bar-related, so I'd wager I'd like them. :) Glad that things seem to be going to well!

  31. I used to be terrified to eat Larabars because of their fat and calories but the body views it differently than it would if it was calories from white sugar and stuff like that. Just remember it's made from some of the most wholesome ingredients (dates, nuts and spices) that are a great fuel for the body with tons of nutrients your body needs!! I sometimes eat 2 per day they are so good and I crave them. I've come to learn that it isn't fat that makes you fat but eating excess sugar (not from fruits though) and eating excess calories than you need! Hope that helps :D

  32. Woohoo! Yay for trying Larabars girly! Those took me so long to get used to (it was hard in recovery), but now they are among my favorite snacks!

  33. hells to the ya for enjoying that PB&J larabar girl!

    sadly, I live in the middle of no where where the only flavors I can find are the apple pie ones (which are delish btw).

    have a great night.

  34. I love Larabars! That apple pie one is pretty good too :)
    and DCD makes an appearance several times a day on my plate ;)

  35. the cranberry Kind bar is definitely not worth trying--- i love dried cranberries but was very disappointed by the bar. the one you had today is definitely a regular eat for me!

  36. I love DCD! A lot! That is all :)

  37. yay for trying the larabar! ive tried it and it's not my fav either im def more of a KIND bar girl. im glad your experimenting, it's healthy!!

  38. I'm not huge on Oddwalla bars but the Banana Nut is definitely my favorite! (hey, I'm a banana fanatic!) as for the PB & J bar - I've never even seen it! Is it new? And congrats taking another stab at Ed and trying it - I'm so proud of you love! :-D I know the courage that takes! <3

  39. yeahh the pb & j larabar is a relatively new flavor! it's hard to find too!

  40. Hooray for new eats!! So proud of you, girl. <3

  41. I LOVE Larabars! My fave is a tie between tropical fruit tart and cherry pie - lemon bar is GREAT too. These Larabars are good for gals like me who like sour stuff I think. Shockingly I am not a huge chocolate fan and it is hard to find energy bars with no chocolate in them. I may try Kind Bars soon but to me Larabars are the BEST.

  42. i haven't had the mighty maple flavor! i'm so jealous!

  43. btw, i've been staring at the pb&j bar for months, debating on buying it. glad i saw your review...i'll stick with my luna bars :)
