Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Giving Up

Yes you read it right, I am giving up!

While all of my friends have ben debating on what to give up for Lent whether it be facebook, alcohol, or chocolate, I have also been giving it great thought. But it really didn't take me any time to figure it out. I not only want to give this up for the next forty days until Good Friday but I want to give this up for life, and that would be my ED!

Last night my dad called to see how everything was going and how I was doing. I have been talking to eaither one or both of my parents each day since I got back to school on Monday. They are great support and they keep me going in the right direction. I am not only doing this for myself but also for them! I can't let them down this time again, they have done way too much for me :)

This morning for breakfast I had a yummy yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and Crazy Richard's creamy pb with milk on the side.

I did have a picture pre-mix up but I don't really know what happened to it? But I will leave you with these.As hard as it was this morning to drink my Boost along with my almonds, I did and enjoyed it! Take that ED. I win and you lose!
Since today is Ash Wednesday my dining hall is not serving meat anywhere on campus. We are a Catholic college, could ya tell?! I knew exactly what I was going to have...a veggie burger! I have heard great things about the veggie burgers here at the dining hall but never actually tried them myself, so today was the day!

I had a veggie burger with swiss cheese on wheat bread, Cheddar Pop Chips, a pear, and milk.

The veggie burger was delicious and I will definitely be getting this again for lunch sometime real soon!

I tried the Chedddar Pop chips which were obviously good. I only two more bags left to try but then I got some coupons to use so no need to worry!

Alright so I must share some news with all of you! This afternoon after I got back from classes and ate lunch I got an e-mail from Karen at Health Services saying she didn't have any openings tomorrow so I should come in this afternoon to meet with her. This was so unexpected since I wasn't planning on meeting with her today. So I quickly got up and walked on over while calling my mom on the phone to tell her I was going to my appointment because I was super nervous. I just kept thinking about all of the possible worst things that could happen. I was nervous about my weight going down or them sending me home already after two days. I was a WRECK! I was totally psyching myself out. I have been doing everything I should be doing so really I shouldn't have been nervous, but yet I still was.

Once there in her office I started to cry :( I just wanted her to weigh me, do my vitals and blood pressure and be done with it. I took one huge deep breath before getting on the scale. Since I do a blind weigh-in I wasn't going to know if it was good or bad but when she put up her hand to give me a high five I started to cry again. I was just so happy! Then she checked my pulse rate and blood pressure and those were both within my parameters. OMG! You don't know how excited I was my appointment went well, now I just need to make sure every appointment each week goes as well as this one. I know need to keep reminding myself I can't take a break just because I did well for one week, I gotta keep going in the right direction :)

After I called my mom to tell her everything went well and she began to cry as well! She was so proud of me! I love her.

I am now off to do my service learning hours for the week at Girls Inc. But before I go I am going to have a snack to get me through til dinner. These girls have so much energy I am gonna need that snack to keep up with them!

Have a great Humpday :)



  1. i love your outlook on lent! it's like you're giving up GIVING UP, if you know what i mean. have faith - you can do it :)

  2. Oh Lent. I actually just blogged about my conflicted feelings on the topic. I too go to a Catholic college and was thinking about my dinner options, maybe I'll try a veggie burger as well. I'm so glad to hear that your appt went well! Btw, your yogurt mess looks divine! Keep up the great work!

  3. Yayyyyy this is awesome. I'm in class right now and I want a yogurt mess!

  4. That is really good that you are talking to your parents daily. Having someone to hold me accountable was a real help in giving me a boost in my recovery.
    Keep going strong Jenna, I hope you believe in yourself as much as we all do!

  5. Brilliant news - you go girl! I would definitely endorse giving up ED, not just for Lent, but for life :-)

    Call me stupid, but what's Humpday?!

    Sarah x

  6. Congratulations, girl! So proud of you!! Your attitude is amazing, and I'm glad that even though it wasn't always easy you ate AND CONQUERED! :) I just wanna give you a big hug!!

    <3 Jil

  7. yay Jenna iM so proud of you! Keep up the good work!


  8. Congrats on a great appointment! You're doing great!

  9. That is just AWESOME!! SO happy for you!!

  10. Aw I think it's great that you're giving up your ED for lent! And way to kick butt with your impromptu appointment today! You're doing awesome, and yes... one day at a time. :)

  11. Congrats on the good appointment! We're all proud of you!

    And I'm glad your parents are so supportive. They can be really helpful (or hurtful) so I'm glad they are the former!

    Keep on Keepin on!

  12. I'm proud of you :D
    keep it up Lady.

  13. I think your idea for life is great. You can do it, just believe in yourself. I find Lent challenging every year, but somehow I always find something end the end. Good luck girl, you can do it!

    Also, that yogurt mess looks amazing.

  14. yay girl!! proud of you!! you can DO IT!! i know you can!! the healthier you get-the WAYY more energy you will have! up until the last pound..honestly!

  15. good job jenna!!!! :) i am so proud of you! keep it up!

  16. Yay!!! Good job girlie!! Keep it up! You are such an inspiration to so many out there...

  17. Oh my gosh I love this post! You giving up the ED brought such a huge smile to my face (in a totally non-creepster way!!!) because you were struggling with it not too long ago. Keep up the great progress and all us bloggers are rooting for you!

  18. What a great realization you had today! Getting better everyday!

  19. you have never heard of hump day before girl?!
    omg it is all over the blogworld!
    but anyways humpday means the middle of the week aka wednesday :)

  20. So nice to hear <3 I'm really happy for you!!

  21. Congrats on such a great check up!

  22. omg omg so happy for you! it's so great about your appt, keep up all of your hard work jenna, it's paying off! love that you'e giving up your ED for lent :). i want your yogurt mess so badly

  23. Keep up the amazing work!! Delicious looking veggie burger! YUM!
    <3 jess

  24. I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU GOT THAT HIGH FIVE GIRL. GOOD JOB and keep it up! I admire you so much for pushing through all these set backs.

    Yum I wish my college cafeteria had food remotely that good when I was in undergrad.

  25. I really am happy for you, but you are still eating the same things. I'm a little confused how this is improvement? Keep pushing!!

  26. I'm happy that your appt and weigh in went well. Keep it up girl!

  27. Congrats on your great appointment! Keep up the good work and good for you for giving up your ED for lent!!!

  28. good job jenna!!! so glad you are working hard :)

  29. This is great news! Glad everything went well! Keep up the good work.

  30. You are doing such a great job and I know the future will be good to you!

  31. i saw the title of your post and got worried. GIVING UP. Oh no!!! But then it was really a good thing, :)

  32. Just ran across your blog, what an inspiration!! Giving up ED for life, you sound so excited about it as well. What a breath of fresh air :D

  33. Im so happy that your appointment went well! You are the best girl and such an inspiration! :)
