Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First Ever

Happy Humpday lovies! It's already that day of the week again. My humpday has been filled with snow up here in the northeast, only a few inches though!

I want to thank all of you who commented on my post last night. I received SO much feedback, much more than I anticipated. After reading all the comments I noticed a lot of you have run into a similiar situation like mine before and gave great advice and tips on what works well for you!

As I do wish to talk to my nutritionist about this next time I meet with her, for the time being I am going to play around with all your advice and see what works best for me.

Now onto a BAR REVIEW! Awhile ago I recieved this Amazing Grass Bar from a giveaway I won. I have seen these bars a lot on the blog world. There are some people out there who love these bars while others would beg to differ. At first I definitely thought I was not going to like this bar. But let's not judge a book by it's cover, right?!

I was definitely hesitant before trying this bar because honeslty I had NO idea what to expect since this was the original flavor. Had it been the chocolate, peanut butter, or berry I would have been a little less hesitant.
So without further ado I will let you know what I thought. One word to describe this bar is DIFFERENT! It was not like your regular bar that has one distinct flavor and you know what to expect. In every bite I got a different taste of something new! It kept me guessing the whole time ;)
The bar had a soft texture and was very easy to break apart as I like to do with my bars so I can eat them slowly and enjoy every bite!This ingredient list of this bar was very long filled with lots of yummy goods such as dates, agave nectar, cashews, almonds, cranberries, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried coconut, and lots of green super foods. I could really taste the cashews and dates in the bar!

After being scared of this bar I must say I am not any more! I would recommend trying it yourself since it is a different type of bar. This probably will not be my "go to" bar but I am glad I tried it and I now want to try the other flavors as well.

I also have to tell you I had an appointment this afternoon with Karen at Health Services, which went okay. My blood pressure was quite low for some reason so I am going back tomorrow to see if it has changed. I am not sure why it was low since I have been doing everything I usually do. But I guess we will have to see tomorrow!

I am currently typing this post from the ARC (Academic Resource Center) because clearly blogging is an academic, right?! Yeah, I would think so ;) And I think I also found my new favorite spot to blog! Then later tonight I have my first Service Learning at Girls Inc! Wish me luck and I will be sure to let you know how it goes.

Have you ever tried any Amazing Grass products before? What do you think of them?



  1. i've never had an Amazing Grass product but i keep seeing them popping up in the blogworld! it does sound "different" lol but anytime i can taste cashews and dates sounds good to me!

  2. Love Girls Inc!!! I volunteered at the one in Manchester, NH last year...and I had the most adorable (and rambunctious) little 7 year old girl!

  3. I've been curious to try Amazing Grass products since seeing them all around the blog world but haven't yet. I'm not so sure about the bar but the powder seems like a cool, easy addition to smoothies.

  4. I've never heard of Amazing Grass stuff before, probably because the only grocery store near me is a walmart. :( Sorry to hear about your bp, I hope that it is better tomorrow. Good luck with your service learning and have tons of fun with the girls!

  5. I´ve never had any Amazing Grass bar, but I´m sure thy´re delicious!
    Have a great night!
    Brazilian XOXO´s,

  6. As far as eating, I don't think anyone mentioned this already, but oatmeal in a thermos! I work out at an incredibly early time in the am (5:30!) and make my oatmeal as i am walking out the door. My thermos fits in the side pocket of my backpack and it stays warm. You can bring BB packets to add to it. That would add variety to what you eat and be something warm on a cold day on campus! PS Don't forget a spoon!

  7. I love Amazing Grass!! Though I'll admit at first I hated their bars. For me it was an acquired taste, but now I actually really like them and their nutritional value is pretty awesome!! :)

  8. okay ill admitt ive seen those bars but like always pass by them because they just dont look like all the other typical lara/luna/zbars lol but now i might pick one up! i love dates and cashews so it might be a huge hit with me:) i hope you're blood pressure gets better tmr, def let us know ill be thinking about you!

  9. Never tried those products, but anything with dates is great in my book :)

  10. I read a post yesterday about how things taste better when you know they're healthy, and although I've never tried these bars, I get the feeling it's that kind of deal. I love the grit of bars with greens in them, because it just makes them taste so wholesome that I can't help but think they're delicious!

  11. i didnt like that bar! crazy, i know. you need to find the DETOUR RUNNER bar and eat that.. ITS THE BEST THING EVER! so are the Balance bars!!

  12. Thanks for the bar review! I've seen them around but also been hesitant to try them, so I'll have to pick one up!

  13. haha love how blogging can take over academics... soo bad but happens to all of us! i like those bars :)

  14. I LOVE those! Especially the peanut/peanut butter (can't remember), those are the bomb. Not too big a fan of the berry one though.

  15. You should call your nutritionist, and not rely on comments from fellow bloggers-ESPECIALLY since you are on such a slippery slope. I think your BP confirms that you aren't doing well. Jenna, you are asking us how to get lunch in at 11, you haven't talked about what you've eaten, you went back to school too soon and your bp is low-I'm glad you are being honest but there is only so much we can say. You know you need to be home, and getting help.
    I hope you see that.

    A Friend.

  16. Eek, Amazing Grass. Great company--hate the taste!

    <3 jess

  17. We have an "ARC" at my school but it's the Activities and Recreation Center, aka the gym. Lol. Definitely nothing academic about it.

    I've tried some of the Amazing Grass stuff. I like the chocolate superfood powder. I put it in my yogurt and it makes instant chocolately yogurt. Yum! I have a PB bar and chocolate bar that I haven't tried yet. I don't suppose they will be super sweet and ultra yummy like a lara bar or something but hey, it's a health food right? It's as good as it's going to get.

    Hope you figure out the eating in between your crazy schedule. Even I struggled a bit today. I didn't pack enough food so I was starving when I got home. One more bar and I would have been okay!

  18. I would have to agree--superfood bars are different haha! I like them though...just very GREEN tasting, ya know? :P The chocolate covered ones are the best!

    About your eating schedule--I def find I have trouble with this too, and at first I was feeling uncomfortable pulling food out in the middle of class, but I've realized EVERYONE does it. Is that something you would do? Just like fruit, trail mix, sandwhich, bars, etc....easy things like that! Anyway good luck wth that and take care girl--enjoy the long weekend! are you going home?

  19. I always find that when I'm at school I have to eat MORE than I normally do at home. Just all the walking and constant busyness means my body needs more! Are you still doing two boosts a day? Ensures have been helping me a LOT!!

  20. Hey! Thanks for commenting on my blog. :) I will definitely be following yours - I can't believe I haven't found it until now...!

    ~ Catherine

  21. I love the Amazing Grass bars! Even the original which definitely has a different flavor is really good. Kind of a "green" flavor, not overly sweetened and super tasty!

    I think I already told you the chocolate one is my favorite! It's got a chocolate coating that makes it taste just like a candy bar! Deceiving, right? :P

    I have yet to try the berry, and I've heard the peanut butter protein one is good (though it has whey so I've never tried it)

    You can get a "sample pack" (1 of each of the 4 bars) on their website for $10 (which is actually a good deal, especially since shipping is included with the sample packs!) :)


  22. Haha "different" was the first word that came to my mind as well when I sampled that bar:)

  23. Ohmygoooshh you MUSTMUSTMUST try the chocolate one! These are great :D

    Love you beautiful! Text me soon :)

  24. I wasn't a huge fan of the bar above...a little too grassy but I really liked the chocolate one! I am a fan of the smoothie mixes too!

  25. Thanks for the review! Ive never tried any amazing grass products, but ive heard they are super yummy!
