Friday, February 19, 2010

A Blueberry-ific Breakfast

HAPPY FRIDAY! Can ya tell I am excited the week is finally over and the weekend is here? Well, I am :) I am glad I got through this week after having a rocky start to the week, but in the end everything worked out! Like my grandma told me last night, a guardian angel must have been looking over me :)

This morning my yogurt mess was very blueberry-ific! I had Blueberry Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi H2H Oat Flakes & Blueberry Clusters, a sliced banana, and a drizzle of Crazy Richard's creamy peanut butter on top with milk on the side.

This was my first time trying Kashi H2H Blueberry Clusters and I loved them! Crispy oat flakes and crunchy oat clusters made with blueberries, they were the perfect cereal and went great with the Blueberry yogurt.
A blueberry mess! Yummm. This was a great yogurt mess and I am glad I changed things up a bit. I will definitely be having this combination again soon :)

Morning snack was a lil different as well. I had a bottle of Naked Strawberry Kiwi juice with a serving of almonds. I made sure I got in the right amount of calories and carbs that I need according to my meal plan. I love using carbohydrate exchanges! It is so much easier. The Strawberry Kiwi flavor was delish :)

Since it is Friday I only had one class this morning at 11:30. Hollah! Gotta love Fridays...and college as well!

After class I grabbed some lunch to go. Since it is Friday during Lent my school does not serve meat. Today I had a veggie burger with swiss cheese on wheat bread, pretzels, and an apple with milk.
I told you on Wednesday when I first tried the veggie burgers here at my school I would be having more in the near future, and only two days later I did ;) That is how good they are. They are by far the best veggie burgers I have ever tried.

I don't know what my girls and I are doing tonight but I am not to worried because I know we will find somewhere fun to go :)

Are you a fan of veggie burgers?!



  1. HECK yes I like some veg burgers, but only by Morningstar. Boca burgers taste to me like they have NOTHING in them. Glad yo school has good ones though! Have a great wknd!

  2. Veggie burgers are great. Amy's and SOL are really good products.

    Have fun this weekend whatever you end up doing!

  3. kathleen- i have only tried the boca burgers and they just don't have the same consistency as the ones at my dining hall does! i haven't tried morningstars yet tho!

  4. I love veggie burgers! I like Morningstar Farms Mushrooms Lover burgers mmm. Have a good weekend!

  5. I love veggie burgers but only eat Sunshine Burgers (Have you tried these? Amazinggggg!) and these gluttn free rice burgers. Neither contain Soy protein isolate (which I'm not a fan of and seems to be in ALL veggie burgers..sad!)

    Do you like veggie burgers? If so, what kind?

  6. Hehe I loved your title...and the appearance of pretzels - my favourite snack food :-)

    I've never tried veggie burgers, would like to though.

    Happy Friday to you too!

    Sarah x

  7. That blueberry mess looks absolutely amazing!! Yummmmm. And I used to eat a lot of veggie burgers before but then I hit burnout - perhaps in a little while I'll return to my veggie ex. :-)Keep you head up love! New week = new opportunities to challenge ED! ;-)

  8. missy- i had my first veggie burger ever last year and now i really enjoy them! i have only tried boca burgers and the ones at my school but i am willing to try other brands as well :)

  9. I love veggie burgers, especially during Lent because I am not a fish fan. :| Your yogurt messes always look delicious!

  10. Yayy for mixin' up the eats!! The blueberry-tastic yog mess sounds amazzzing! :) Love Naked juices. Mmm mmm good. Happppy Friday!

  11. Love love veggie burgers!! How great that your cafeteria has some awesome ones!
    The yogurt mess sounds fabulous girl! I have never tried that cereal before but I adore Kashi!

  12. ballin' breakfast girlie!! I like veggie burgers...but LOVE making my own, they taste WAY better. how r those nursing classes going??!? I hope you're having a great friday, and have a lot of fun plans for the weekend! xoxo!

  13. That bowl looks amazing!

    I am not a huge fan of veggie burgers, I prefer the "chicken"

  14. Oh yea! Sunshine Burgers are AWESOME! :D Happy Weekend!

  15. omg i'm a HUGE fan of veggie burgers! they are the best :)

  16. Ive only ever tried Boca burgers. Cereal looks yum! See what you did with the blueberry yogurt and blueberry kashi, good thinking!

  17. Love veggie burgers! I've never been a burger fan anyways, so I actually like them much better than the real thing, added benefit that they're healthier. Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. totally love veggie burgers! but only if they're not too oily. i also really like the kashi blueberry cereal -- they have a subtle blueberry flavor, and actually i believe that a couple of years ago when it first came out, it was also infused with white tea, and that was another subtle flavor that came out in the flakes as well! not sure why they took that part out. enjoy your night with the girls!

  19. hi jenna! i just got your blog comment, thanks! i look forward to reading your blog. are you from massachusetts? i grew up there!!

  20. I like veggie burgers but I feel like a lot of them are really over-processed. TJ's has a "veggie masala" burger though that is really good! Haven't had it in awhile, and now I want one! ;)

  21. wow your yogurt mess looks awesome! im glad you like the exchange system. ive been considering changing over to that a lot lately. i just feel like im still kinda confused by it, maybe my N will explain it better! im glad your week turned out better:)
    ps - i love love love veg burgers. i have like 3 a weeks lol diff flavors though

  22. Yum, that bfast looks delish woman! Hope your enjoying your weekend :)

  23. im really happy you are branching out with the veggie burgers- so good! and i love that blueberry cereal :)

  24. great job girlie! u are totally rocking it. i am definitely having a yogurt mess like that one tomorrow AM :)

  25. Amy- it tool me awhile to actually figure out the whole carb exchange system but once I finally did it makes so much more sense and is very easy to understand!
    I was following a strict meal plan before from when I was in the hospital for a long time but my N and I just started working with the exchange system and I live it! It is a lot more realistic and flexible rather than having one strict meal plan to follow-ya know what I mean?!
    But I would defs talk to your N some more about it! Good luck and if u have any questions ask awayyyyy!
    You know where I am :)
    Jenna xo

  26. Veggie Burgers are delicious! I love fresh homeade ones!



  27. I hope that you had a fun night out, Jenna! I would hate for you to look back on your college career and think thta you missed out on all the fun because of your ED.

  28. I LOVE that kashi Wilid blueberry cereal!!!! I am inspired to go buy some now! haha

  29. I've been eyeing that Kashi cereal for a while but have yet to try it! I bet it was delicious with the blueberry yogurt.
    I don't eat veggie burgers too often, but I do like Dr. Praeger's brand.
