Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some new favorites

Hey hey hey! I first want to welcome all of my new readers. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and will join me on my journey through life :)

To rewind back to my eats from yesterday. First up we have the White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Clif Bar, a new favorites flavor of mine ;) I had heard lots of great reviews of this bar and I knew I had to give it a try. This bar did not let me down and now I know why people love this flavor! The bar was filled with macadamia nuts and white chocolate pieces. I suggest you all try this flavor...now!The bar was topped with some icing of course!

A new favorite recipe of mine is the crack wrap! This wrap was inspired by the one and only Mama Pea herself! I honestly don't know how you amazing bloggers come up with these amazing recipes. They are just simply amazing!If you don't know what the crack wrap is don't worry because I wil tell you all about it. First of all it is called the "crack" wrap because well it is ADDICTING! This wrap is similiar to a grilled cheese but better. It is simply a wrap filled with hummus and cheese folded up and grilled on the panini maker. Sounds pretty simple, right?! Well it is and super delicious. Just give it a try, trust me!My crack wrap was a La Tortilla Factory wrap filled with TJ classic hummus, american cheese, and apple slices. You will definitely be seeing more crack wraps in the future on my blog!

Breakfast this morning was a yogurt mess with Plain Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and a dollop of Crazy Richard's creamy peanut butter along with a glass of milk. The peanut butter this morning was super creamy and I loved it. I took a lick off my spoon and I couldn't even swallow it without a sip of milk because that is how creamy it is! Mmmm. It definitely lives up to it's name and is by far the creamiest peanut butter I have ever tried.My pictures seem very clear to me today! I placed my bowl near the window so it could get all the sunlight and it defintely made the pictures a whole lot better! Don't ya think?!Yummy yogurt mess!

I usually eat at the same times every day while I am at home. Today I knew I was going to have to eat lunch a bit early since I had a doctors appointment this afternoon. So I made sure to shift my breakfast and morning snacks to earlier times so I wouldn't be eating my breakfast, snack, and lunch so close to each other. I have learned I have to do what I have to do despite how much ED hates it. So I just made sure I ate my breaksfast and lunch a half hour then I usually do, no biggie! I did this like I said so I wouldn't be eating so close together in such a short amount of time. I knew if I ate at my regular times it would have caused a lot of anxiety and stress on me. My morning snack was a bag of TJ trail mix and a Vanilla Boost. I then went to Trader Joe's and the grocery store to pick up a few staple foods. By the time I got home it was already time to eat lunch since I had a doctors appointment.

I had a weigh in and my blood pressure and pulse checked, ya know all the usual stuff. I was super nervous for my weigh in as I always am. Today the pediatrican's office was very busy and ended up waiting nearly a half hour before Candace saw me. I still do a blind weigh in and do not know my weight, nor do I want to. She never tells me my weight or how I did. I do however always look at her face to see her expression. I asked her today how I did and she told me it was good but it wasn't great! I didn't really know what that was supposed to mean though. She told my mom how I did after the appointment and of course my mom will tell me. I asked my mom how I did and she said I stayed the same :/

Now the last time I was weighed in was last Friday, so it was only four days ago. I wasn't really expecting a huge weight gain but I was kind of disappointed I didn't gain any weight! But on the other hand I was happy I didn't lose any weight! I have another weigh in this Friday and I am hoping to gain some weight by then. It is just kind of frustrating since I have been working so hard lately. I just need to do what I am supposed to do which is follow my meal plan each day and stay focused! I need to take each day one day at a time!

Well I am off to my sister's basketball game!



  1. The crack wrap is great, right?! I ate it at least 5 times a week in college!

  2. Omg yes Katie! I don't blame you for eating them a lot in college-they are super easy, quick, and delicious!
    What kind of hummus and cheese do you think is the best together?!

  3. The White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Clif Bar is one of my faves too! I'm glad you liked it :-).

  4. Yes! it definitely made it on my list of my top favorite clif bars!

  5. Heeeey! Is your crack wrap calorically equal to your normal turkey sandwich?! If its not- maybe that's why your weight stayed the same?! Or add a few more handfuls or trail mix in there.. to boost your weight gain!

  6. You definitely need to try the grilled PB&banana sandwich, its heavenly.

  7. Oh my gosh, I love crack wraps!! I ate one almost everyday for lunch in the summer!! :) They are so amazing. I haven't had one in so long, glad you reminded me!! :)

  8. The eats sound delicious! :) That CLIF bar sounds awesome -- I should get some of em the next time I'm at the store...mint choc is currently my fave...but that white choc macadamia sounds damn good!

  9. Ya I should try a grilled pb and banana for a breakfast meal!

  10. hang in there! jw do u measure like cereal and pretzels and stuff?
    p.s. are u going to go back to school? do u want to or not really? i luv u girl! xoxoxo

  11. Gaining weight is hard (who knew?) Its crazy all those days we were scared to gain anything...little did we know we would have to TRY to! Crazy, huh?

    That crack wrap looks awesme! I would have never thought to do that, never had warm hummus either hmmmm Ill have to give it a try!

    Happy Tuesday girl! (Ill be thinkin of ya on Friday! You'll do great, I just know it!)

    xo- Molly

  12. Ahh my fav clif bars now so far are oatmeal raisin walnut, cool mint chocolate, and white chocolate macadamia nut! But I haven't tried them all yet!

  13. Jenna,
    I would talk to your nutritionist about the La Tortilla wraps-you should be having regular bread right now-or regular calorie wraps. It is only going to help you. I know a lot of the blogs talk about a lot of brands and it was hard for me to stay mindful and listen to my own nutritionist that I should be eating 'regular' bread, etc. Your meal plan is so small to begin with, do yourself a favor and stick with "non-diet" foods. Perhaps try a low fat yogurt instead of non-fat and typically to get 3 oz of protein, which is the standard lunch exchange you need a LOT of hummus-maybe add some to the side. Good luck-gaining is hard and your body will sometimes do what it wants, but you also have to give it 'regular' foods. Have a good week.

  14. Jenna, Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

    I have never tried a crack wrap, but you may have just inspired me!!

  15. Molly and Angie- ya Crack wraps are pretty amazing! You should defs try it! And
    Anon- I really want to thank you for all of your suggestions! I can tell you really want to help me :)I will be sure to talk to my nutritionist on Thursday about those things you told me to! Thanks again!

  16. hang in there girlie!!!
    jw, do u meaure cereal and sutff.
    i luv u

  17. Heyy Katie!
    Yea I do measure out some of my foods like my cereal, peanut butter, and pretzels. That's about it though! I know it is not good and I need to stop. But I always want to make sure I am getting the right amount according to my meal plan. Ya know?!
    But after awhile I will know how much 1/2 or 1 cup is! Like I stopped measuring. Stuff when I was slipping awhile ago so I kind of forgot how mug everything is. So now I measure some of my foods. I am by no means anal about it!! Like it does not have to be perfect like the exact amount, just a rough estimate :)

  18. Glad you are going to talk to your nutrish about the things I mentioned. It is hard, I know, but if you want to do it outpatient you have to be realistic-I think you saw that this week. And to follow up about measuring, I think you should measure right now because otherwise you might skimp. But measure so you are staying w/ your plan-rather-talk to your nutrish about it. Mine had me measuring (still does but eyeballing some)-to be accoutable.
    Good luck.

  19. Hi Jenna!!
    Sorry the appointment didn't go as well as you would have liked...i'm sure that must be so frustrating. Weight is such a tricky thing...especially for women! I hope you can gain weight, though! Maybe try and eat more than what is on your meal plan? Like add more snacks or something? That is what I did when I had to gain a couple pounds! Good luck...i'm thinking about you!

  20. oh yea, and I also wanted to point out that switching to regular bread is definitely a better alternative too. That is what my nutritionist told me as well! :)

  21. "get the right amount according to your meal plan"

    jenna your defending your ED not your meal plan.

    i agree about the La Tortilla wraps also, you should be eating normal, non-diet food. Perhaps try Ezekiel wraps?

    Also, if you REALLY want to gain weight and are TRUELY disappointed in not gainly you will eat more than 2T of trail mix with your boost as a snack. I KNOW ITS HARD, but please don't defend your meal plan saying "well that is a serving, and it fits the plan." Part of these plans are to make sure you do not go UNDER your needs.

    Please take this into consideration, you are such a bright girl!


  22. I have to say that I've felt triggered reading your blog but I come back hoping you "get it", I was hoping to see you went to get the help you needed, I still hope you do. Jenna, you don't know who is reading your blog, you don't know what the person's mindset is but I can tell you that what you post as a "weight gain"-wanting recovery-eats....it's not even what I have on my meal plan right now and I'm on a maintenance plan. That isn't the point, the point is you don't see it. I pray your family doesn't let you go back to school. You need help, you deserve to live a life free of this crap-and please dont comment back saying "Thanks!!!!!!"-read the comments and take in that you have a blog people read, what if your little sister was reading this as a means of support for recovery? I'm sorry but I saw you welcoming new readers and you post your "eats" as if it is normal, as if they are normal eats. Don't give girls a false perspective.
    The "crack wrap"-Jenna, you know that is FAR under what you need for lunch. If you really want to help girls as you go on your journey, be honest. Truly I think you should just focus on you and go get the help you need, then come bac and blog. but....

  23. is your lunch even - cals? Sorry it looks VERY low-it is. Jenna...I hope you call the place near you. I know you wanted to do it alone, but asking for help isn't the worst thing.


  24. I effing LOVE crazy richard's pb!

  25. I'm sorry you stayed the same! Is there anything you can add to your meal plan? Like a glass of milk with dinner? Or some extra cereal in your beloved greek yog. mess?

    Hope all is well!
    <3 jess

  26. hey jenna! my names Brooke and i just entered into the blog world lol:] your blog very inspiring your such a gougeous girl! And your eats look so yummy.. have to try that crack wrap lol. Anyway, i was in a similar situation with you today with the weigh in but found out i had gained more than expected but ill be okay! Life keeps moving forward right and we all have to keep pushing forward past eds evil comments! Just wanted to say keep up the great work and your food looks awesome<3

  27. Jenna,
    I want to ask you and I hope you will be honest with me because, well I'm new and I see that you have a lot of people who support you in recovery but it looks like a lot who support your eating disorder-anyway, I wanted to ask you if you think what you post/write about is really enough. I know from what I'm told that my meal plan looks to be about twice yours, but I'm just saying-I was also wondering if you were feeling like you couldn't be honest if you were struggling at home. Your posts went from you going inpatient to a place to "loving" cliff bars. I'm sorry, but even on my good days-well, you are trying to gain weight for school but Jenna-you need to gain life. I hope in my post that makes no sense that I made a little sense. I also hope your doctor and your mom get you the help you so need. The road is long but it is shorter if you jump on now. I mean it. Trust me.

  28. WCMN is my favorite luna, but i've never tried the regular clif one! yum! i'm sorry the weigh in didn't go as you had hoped, but fingers crossed for a better one this friday!

  29. Love all the food!! I need to try cliff bars more I think. I never seem to have them, but they look fab!

    Oooo trail mix....I love the trail mix! I could eat it all day and that could be bad!


  30. Yes! Ihave milk with all three meals and I plan on adding a little bit here and there as well- like more trail mix at my snack!

  31. I loveee Macadamia nuts- that's one of my top Cliff Bars favs. too
    Keep working at it girl, it sounds like you're doing well :)

  32. love the blog! :) all your foodie pics look delish!

  33. Must try the "crack" wrap lol!!

  34. Yess you do! Soo addicting :)

  35. Hey girl! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. It's good to see that you're doing well and sticking to your plan... Weight gain can be frustrating most of the time, but it will all work out in the end :)

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

  36. hey jenna! oh my gosh that crack wrap yummm. and i have never had the cliff macadamia! is it good? some of the cliffs taste like cookies nooommm :) and i hope the next weigh in goes better girlie, believe in youuu! xoxo soph

  37. The crack wrap sounds delicious! I will be trying it today :)

  38. your photos are looking mighty fabulous lately!

  39. Why have I never tried a crack wrap before? I will get on that. Your pictures do look pretty today. Good luck with the weight gain.

  40. Missy you must get on the bandwagon and try the crack wrap asap! It will change your life:)

  41. hey girl! thanks for commenting on my blog because it brought me to yours! look forward to reading more! keep up with all of your hard work :)

  42. hey jenna!
    i'm sorry your appt didn't go as well as you had hoped, but stay positive! at least you didn't lose AND you we're able to stick to your meal plan!*snaps for jenna!!!* (as elle woods in legally blonde would say haha)
    also, i think a lot of the other posters have commented that you might need to add some more stuff in your crack wrap- what about adding in turkey- i think it would be crack-a-liscious! lol. you should also try Vital Vittles bread for your wrap instead of LaTortilla. It's a bit denser and might fill you up less and ultimately help you in the difficult weight gain process.
    Hang in there girl!

  43. We love the white chocolate macadamian nut flavor, even though it doesn't even taste like it. haha. Still, YUMMY!

  44. Thanks for reading my blog!

    And your yogurt mess above looks really good! So white and fluffy, filled with tons of goodness! ;)
