Friday, January 29, 2010

Fly by week

Happy Friday! Boy did this week fly by and I am so not complaining! The weekend has arrived :)

Breakfast this morning was a yogurt mess with Plain Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and a dollop of Crazy Richard's creamy peanut butter with a glass of milk on the side.
My Crazy Richard's peanut butter jar is getting low :( But I should not worry because this means oats in a jar, or what I like to have...yogurt mess in a jar very soon, and opening and trying a new peanut butter. Plus, when I go back to school (yes I am going back, I will get to that later!) I have another Crazy Richard's creamy and Teddie's smooth peanut butter waiting for me ;) Boy have I missed my Teddie's!

My morning was spent doing errands with my mom. Of course we hit up Target and then some other places. Let me tell you it was FRIGID out today! It was by far the coldest and windiest day so far this winter. Gotta love New England weather ;)

After lunch this afternoon I had another doctor's appointment where I was weighed in and got an EKG test done. I don't know how I did weight wise but my EKG came back normal, which I was glad. Usually my mom finds out how I did after the appointment but she didn't today, Candace the nurse didn't tell her! So I don't know if I lost, gained, or stayed the same :/ I am anxious to know though.

Then we all discussed me returning to school for this semester. My doctor gave me to okay to return back to school but under strict circumstances. She knows I will be able to do well as long as I keep doing what I am doing now and gaining weight. She also let me know she doesn't want to see me in her office in awhile so I better do well! Haha. I know Health Services up at my college is going to be keep a close eye on me and making sure I am doing what I am supposed to be.

I am not going to lie but I am actually quite nervous going back to school as well as I know everyone else is like my parents and Health Services. They all love me so much and they just want me to do well! So not only am I going to prove to myself I can do this but also to them because I love them as well!

Going back to school is not going to be easy and I know that! I am going to have to deal with the stress of classes, work, friends, and eating all at the same time without letting ED interfere. It is going to be a lot to handle but I am ready to go back to school and take on the challenge!

I know with all the support from my family, friends, Health Services, and you AWESOME bloggers I can do it! I just want to thank each and everyone of you bloggers for all of your amazing support :) It truly means a lot to me!

So again I had another appointment that went well and I left happy :) There is nothing better than leaving an appointment feeling good!

Well that is all the good news I have for you now! I am off to relax for the night and go to bed early because my throat is starting to hurt :( I hope I am not getting sick.

Happy Friday!!



  1. Thats great Jenna! How soon do you get to go back? Are there any ED support groups at your college?

  2. Aw, happy to hear you're heading back. :) Keep up the good work, and positive attitude!

  3. glad your ekg came back normal, && that you got the okay to return to school :) you can do it, you've got the motivation and the skills. lovee your yogurt messes!
    happy weekend!

  4. Yay for doing well! I know you can continue this, girl! I tried OIAJ for the first time this week and I loved them...I know you love your yogurt messes so I bet it'll be just as good!

  5. Glad to hear you got good news from the doctor -- having this blog might help you at school because it will help you keep track and accountable. :)

    I'm seeing this Teddie's PB all over the blogs. Whre do you get it? Whole Foods? I use TJ's PB right now and love it.

  6. JW-no! Unfortunately health services doesn't have an ED program:/

  7. Erin! Teddies pb is very good! I actually bought teddies at shaws! They have a great natural foods selection and a wide variety of peanut butter!

  8. I'm so glad you get to go back to school. I know that's a great accomplishment. I'm also glad you have such a great support system there with Health services. That could've really helped me my freshman year of college.

    Good luck! I can't wait to see how things go!

    ps-Where do you get teddie's? I LOVE peanut butter!

  9. woohoo! so glad you got the go-ahead to return to school, that is awesome news! i know you can continue to do well, it's just important to stay honest with your support and reach out if you're struggling! almost empty nut butter means OIAJ soon!

  10. Jenna
    I know how hard this is. But, please think about this-you are struggling w/ dinners, w/ ed-it is ok to struggle. You are also taking the steps to move forward. And, if those steps don't 'work', you will take other steps, but why go back to school when you aren't in the place you know you should be? take the semester off and focus on recovery? You can test the waters at home and if things don't progress, then you can do a day program or evening program (or ip). You're still struggling w/ dinners and with getting a grasp on your meal plan exchanges-which is ok-because you are working at it. I really hope you will think about taking this time to work on beating your e.d., at home, or in a program. I don't think school is the right choice, thats just an opinion. But, I know this cycle and I've been in it, trust me-take the time now. I am not saying you can't do it at school but be true to YOU. ;/ I hope you stay home w/ your family and your team and go to a program. I hope this because I want to see you kick this. - <3

  11. Best of luck girl! You'll do great in school and keep on chugging along with the progress.

    And nut butters make everything so much better <3


  12. Hey Jenna, first time commenter here. But I just had to say something, because your story sounds so much like mine...AND your eats look bomb! :D I'm in college right now too dealing with ED recovery stuff and its hard but good. if you ever need any advice or anything feel free to email me! Take care and good luck w/ school!

  13. I'm so happy for you, that's great that you can go back to school. I know it can be tough away from the support of family and doctors but remember this is for you, and you're hurting yourself more than anyone to go back to ed. We're all here for you supporting you and blogging is a great outlet for struggles and keeps you going I find.
    Love xoxo

  14. Meghan- I actually got teddies pb at shaws supermarket! They have a great natural foods selection and a wide variety of all different peanut butters!!

  15. Thanks for stopping by Jaclyn and I will be sure to check out your blog :)

  16. Not anon- thank you for the comment and advice on going back to school! I cab understand where you are coming from. I know you think staying at home would be better for me and to get the treatment I need. But I can't keep letting ED ruin my life and college and keep missing school. I know getting healthy is my number one priority right now but also school is important as well. Like I said on my post I know it is not going to be easy but I know I can do it!
    I will be true to myself!


  17. Hey Jenna, I've been reading your blog awhile , I just never commented, I finally decided to stop being shy! That's great news about your EKG results & that you get to go back to school! Sounds like your doing really great right now and I wish you luck! :)
    - Jenna

  18. Hey girl! You will do great back at school. I know it's stressful and you might start off a little rocky, but it's important to not let those little bumps in the road get in the way of your destination. Going back to school for me turned out to be one of the best things for me! Keep going in the right direction!

  19. Hey girlie, thanks for your comment on my blog!

    I'm diggin' the yog mess - it seems like we have some fave flavas in common.

    As for returning to la escuela, it's totes understandable that you'd be nervous! But you seem like a strong girl so I know you'll do great. Plus, remember all the fun stuff you'll get to do up at school and all the progress you're making towards your non-ED future!!!

  20. Nut butters are my fave. I've never heard of Crazy Richard's, but I'm definitely more of a creamy girl than crunchy, so it looks good!

    Best wishes for going back to school! I hope your fam and friends provide a good support system for you as you transition back into everything.

  21. Emily- if you like Your nut butter creamy then crazy richards creamy is for you!
    It lives up to it's name about being creamy! You should defs give it a try, it won't disappoint! I promise ;)

  22. That's the only thing good about running low on PB... the upcoming possibilities of what can be put in the jar!! :)

  23. yay! i know its hard going back to school. just ease into slowly and dont put lots of presure on urself with grades and all that! quick question, do u eat alone or with the fam? jw. i tend to eat alone alot of the time :-/

  24. So glad to hear you get to go back to school! We're all behind you :) I still haven't tried crazy richards nut butter! I've heard so many good things

  25. I love Crazy Rich's PB- it's so silky

    Good luck going back to school. It seems like you have a lot of support and if you have the determination, you can do it :)

  26. Glad you get to go back to school! You are a strong girl jenna!

  27. All I have left is Crazy Richards CHUNKY but it's still delish! I always have a jar of Smucker's creamy as well go-to nut butter, yum! So glad you're happy girl! Love you! Text me soon, let me know what's up!!


  28. YES teddie thats the kind i eat most often!! =D
    Glad your EKG came back normal, AND the dr. appt went well!
    I think its good your challenging yourself with going bakc to school, its scary but you seem determind and strong, so I wish you the very best. You can do this and show ed who the heck is boss!
    Have a great weekend!! <3 <3

  29. i wish u the best, jenna! richards peanut butter sounds really good

  30. Hey Jenna! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I want you to know that I battled an ED in my 1st yr of University. I also suffer from depression. If you ever want to talk just email me ok? HUGS! I've been there :) it's a tough road you're going down.

  31. I just read your "about me" and was completely moved...thank you for being so open about this struggle! i'll be adding you to my blogroll the next time i can sign in :)

  32. Good luck returning to college! I hope it all goes well!
    <3 jess

  33. Sorry that you are going through this - sounds like you are on the other end, so I hope that you continue to do well. Good luck returning to school :)

  34. Your yogurt mess looks so good! I love yogurt and PB its like they were made for each other! haha

  35. Hey Jenna, thanks for your comment on my blog! I'm glad to find yours! I'm glad to hear that your recovery is going well and that you can go back to school. Stay strong and have a great day! :)

  36. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Hang in there and STAY STRONG AT SCHOOL. I know there is a ton of pressure in college, but if you stay strong mentally, it will be fine :)

    Just believe in yourself. That is all you need to do.

  37. Hi Jenna,
    I think it is great that you are seeking help for your ED. When I went to the same school as you my freshman year, there were 5 girls on my floor alone that had an ED. I thankfully wasn't one of them (I had the opposite problem) and it was so sad to see them feed off of each other and not seek help for their ED. Please continue to seek help. I know you can conquer this! Try eating id Davidson more with your friends! I know that will help. GOOD LUCK!!!

    Also, feel free to email me whenever you want!!!

  38. yayayy for good ekgs! those things tickle so much haha its actually embarrassing how much i laugh when i get those things done.
    good luck with school girl, i'm sure you'll do awesome :]

  39. Hello my new friend! Soooo many bloggers love Richard's PB and Teddies...what's the deal? My new thing is Barney's Almond Butter, have you tried that??

  40. hey jenna! yum your eats always make me drool. gotta love pb & brown cow yummm! so happy for you on the ekg. sometimes its better just to know things like that and find out about the weight a little later(: have a great saturday! xoxo soph

  41. Congrats on the awesome news! You must be so excited to go back to school. :D I know you'll do fabulously!

  42. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I read your about and it's great things are going so well ~ I hope things work out! (I will have to check back ;)

  43. Good luck Jenna! I'm so happy you'll be returning to school. You've come a long way and we'll be here to support you any time you need it. Keep up the good work and congrats on the normal EKG.
    I'm truly happy for you, have a lovely weekend!

  44. It's so wonderful that the EKG went well :) Congrats, girl!! Sending good thoughts your way for continued successes :)

  45. wahoooo! on going back to school!! your friends and family do love you and only want you to be happy!! in order to be happy you must be healthy! Good Luck with this semester, I;m excited for you and can't wait to read all about it!!! have a fun weekend chica! xoxo!
