Friday, December 18, 2009

You pick two

Ok yes I know, I am a bad blogger :( I said yesterday that I would do a recap of my day later on last night but of course things did not work out as plan!

But anyways, now I shall do my recap ;) Yesterday afternoon my dad came and picked me up from school after my last final and now i am HOME for one whole month =)

I have just been busy busy ever since I got home! I unpacked all my stuff then went to the mall to get my hours for work and then out with me best girl friend Claire for some dinner at what else but
Panera Bread!
I was stressing out about what to get at Panera as I always do when I go out to eat now a days. I am SO indecisive :/ So with a lil help from my girl Meg, she calmed my nerves down and suggested I get something I TRULY WANT!

I decided on the you pick two deal, a girl can never go wrong with that ;) I ordered the Black Bean soup (for the first time ever and let me tell you it was great!) and the Smoked Turkey Breast Sandwich.

It was a meal that I wanted and not what ED wanted me to get. I really enjoyed the cup of soup and it went great along with my sandwich. It was a nice dinner with my friend and once I got eating my nerves started to calm down. It also helped that my friend got the you pick too as well. But she got a salad instead and a sandwich.

Then I came home and took a few pics of some of my Christmas decorations around the house for you to enjoy!
I am pretty sure I passed out at 9:45 last night like a lil old lady! But hey I was tired and it was a long day and a long week of finals that is now over with! Plus, I could not wait to snuggle up in my big cozy bed. Oh the pleasures of being home ;)Then I slept in until 9:30, a good solid twelve hours of sleep! When I woke up I was hangry for some breaky!! I started off my day with the usual yogurt mess, I had Brown Cow Vanilla yogurt, Barbara's Puffins, a overripe banana (loves it!) along with some Crazy Richard's peanut butter and milk. Overripe bananas are by far the best, nice and smooshy, end of story.

I did not even snipe a picture of my yogurt mess because I was just so overly excited to finally be home. I guess I really need to relax and calm down a bit and realize I will be home for ONE whole month and to enjoy every day!

Well folks it is well into the afternoon and I am going to the grocery store, then having some lunch and then catching up on all your lovely blogs. I think I am also going to make some Christmas treats as well!

Oh yes I forgot, did I mention tonight I am going to the BOSTON CELTICS game with my daddio?! Well, I am :)



  1. Yay for getting what you truly want. I looove panera! I went there the other night, too!
    Have fun at the game!

  2. have a BLAST at the game, sweetheart!
    i love panera! im glad you got what you wanted girl!! and those decorations are BEAUTIFUL

  3. love panerabread :) haven't been in a while, but the black bean soup is my favorite! and i am so proud of you lovie for choosing what YOU wanted not your ED! that is such a great thing to do, makes me feel so empowered every time i choose something that i really love or want.

    love the Christmas decorations that tree is perfect! and ahh have fun at the game with your dad... i call my dad daddio as well ;) love it! and also love over ripe bananas too, more sweet and smooshy like you said ;)


  4. Have fun at the Celtics game, didn't realize you live in Boston! My dad and his whole fam are from Boston too. I used to work at Panera!! Lol let me reassure you, you're not the only one who has trouble deciding what to get. Your reasons may be more complicated but I swear taking some customers' orders was like a 10 hour process!

  5. Your. House. Is. BEAUTIFUL.

    xx Katie xx

  6. Will you eat some of your Christmas treats that you will back?

  7. yayyy jenna!! so important to be able to go out & enjoy anice meal with friends. hope you keep enjoying home. your house looks gorgeous


  8. oOoh!! Pretty pretty Christmas tree and your home looks so warm and cosy decked out in the festive decorations. Now that song 'Chestnuts roasting on an open fire' keeps running through my head. Lol.

    Have fun with your Daddy at the game! I love father-daughter bonding times!


  9. Gorgeous decorations! Did you order the Crazy Richards peanut butter? I've seen it around the blog world lately but saw they only sell it in cases online... What do you think of it?

  10. Congrats on being done the semester! Glad you enjoyed Panera! Your house is so pretty!

  11. I'm so happy for you! Being home for a whole month? That's incredible! I hope you have an amazing break. Rest and relaxtion are going to do wonders for your recovery ;)

    Congrats on eating out, I know how scary it can be! It shows amazing strength that you are able to shut out ED if only for a moment, and enjoy a wonderful meal with a friend.

    Love the chrismas decorations ;) This time of year is so beautiful! Enjoy your days off! Can't wait to see more holiday eats!

  12. If it's any comfort, I work at Panera and despite seeing all the "behind the scenes" stuff, I still LOVE to eat there.
    I ALWAYS get their black bean soup and veggie sandwich. UP2 of course!

  13. I love Panera! I never heard about that place until I went to Florida last year. Great concept! I don't think they have those on the West Coast? I might be wrong. I'm in Hawaii and I know there aren't any here....bummer

  14. Love your Christmas decorations! They look so pretty!
