Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Happy Happy Humpday!! I am happy for many reasons...I completed 4 finals and now I only have one more tomorrow, I am also going home tomorrow, and Christmas is in 9 days :)
But other things I am also happy about our my eats of course!Before my Sociology exam I had a yogurt mess. I mixed some Stonyfield Super Fruits yogurt with Kashi Heart to Heart and a banana and then topped it with some Teddie's Creamy peanut butter with milk on the side.Kashi H2H Honey Toasted. I love the cute lil hearts in this cereal!Super Fruits was super-fruity.Pre-mixed together.Post-mixed togther.

My sociology exam went well but I still have one more HUGE exam to study for and that would be Biochemistry! This is probably going to be one of my hardest test and of course it has to be my last one :/
So right when I got back this morning I hit the books and got studying. After an hour or so around 11:45 I needed a break as I was already getting stressed out! So I had myself a lil pack on peanuts to hold me over until lunch.
I find peanuts to be a good snack for me because they are small and easy to eat but they are packed with healthy fats. I struggle with the volume of foods, so for me the smaller the volume is the more easier it is for me.

Now none of the things are really "Veggie-licious" but I will tell you what was and that was my lunch today. Here at my dining hall we have the "Grill Station" and I never knew until a few weeks ago they serve VEGGIE BURGERS! I love veggie burgers and I was excited to hear about this and I heard they were really good so that was a plus. My favorite veggie burger is Boca, which I had a few over the summer.

So for lunch today I decided instead of yet another turkey wrap I would get a veggie burger! I got a veggie burger on a whole wheat wrap with romaine lettuce, tomatoes with a lil parmesan cheese.

'Twas a very Veggie-licious lunch and I have a feeling it will hold me over for the afternoon while studying!

The only thing that would have made this sandwich over the top if I were able to panini it! But once I get home my man George Forman and I will be united once again ;)

Well lovies I am off for the afternoon to study some more (as if I already haven't studied enough!) Enjoy your Hump Day!



  1. First comment on this post, I'll take it! :)

    Glad you found my blog and that it's a fun place for you..that's the way I try to keep it! I think I have seen your comments on various other blogs we both visit, nice to "meet you" and i just twitter followed you :)

  2. averie,
    i hope you are having a glorious time in aruba! and i am now following you on twitter as well and i can't wait to keep reading your blog :)

  3. GOOD LUCK! You're almost there :)

    bec xo

  4. yay for trying the veggie burger! that is a huge step :) you can do this jenna.. it is great that you can admit the things that challenge you, like volume foods. but seriously, i want you to be able to enjoy volume foods!! you are such a great personn

  5. The veggie burger wrap looks delish! nice pics! :)

    Good luck on your last final!

  6. i LOVE my george forman!! great job on the veggie burger girl..think about it.. to most people thats like a LIGHT food! so crazy. and im dying to try more stonyfield yogurts!

    great job on your exams love! GOOD LUCK!

  7. Just stopping by to send you my new blog link! :)
    <3 Kristine

  8. Congrats on only one more final! You can do it!

    Awesome yog mess!
    <3 jess

  9. mmm the yog mess looks great! what do you mean by the smaller the volume, the easier? what about veggies and fruit? they are usually much bigger in volume but they are super important! i am not trying to attack you at all I was just curious as to what you meant! thats all

    the wrap looks great!
