Friday, December 11, 2009

Sorry :(

Hey everyone! I am sad to receive such harsh comments lately on my blog :( I really do not mean to hurt, offend, or be mean to anyone! And I am definitely sorry if my post is triggering to anyone, by no means do I mean for it to be.
Like I said before I DO NOT post all of my eats for the day. I first of all don't document and take pictures of everything I eat since I am very busy with homework and such. But today since I don't have any classes (it is Reading Day and I should be studying) I am going to post ALL of my eats for the exceptions. I now in the summer before I came to college I posted EVERYTHING, and I think that was very helpful to all my readers, would you agree with me? I think everyone got a good sense of what I really ate through the day.
So today's post everyone can really see what I eat during the day. I hope this will help and show all of you what I truly eat on a normal basis. I hope you will continue to read my blog and understand from where I am coming from! If you really want to talk to me please feel free to e-mail me, I am just a click away :)



  1. awww jenna, don't be sorry!!! do what feels right for you. a full day's eats would definitely be super helpful for me but i love your blog regardless <33

  2. jenna, dont feel sorry or bad about what you post. it's your blog, you are entitled to post whatever you want or wish, if they don't like it, then let them not read it... for me i enjoy reading your post though i am curious at times whether you snack in between but no matter what i still enjoy your blog just the way it is. :) you go gal! :)

  3. i think that is a great idea :) you know what is best for you! we are all here for youand support ou jenna. we just want you to be ok!

  4. aww girl im sorry you feel like you have to explain yourself..please do whatever you want beautiful!

  5. thanks girls! well don't worry because today i am posting ALL my eats for ya'll ;) stay tuned!!

  6. (not sure if my last comment worked) but girl this blog is for YOU, and about YOU. Everyone is on a different course in their life and I think you should continue to document what is best for you. You're doing the best you can and you're living your life...and that alone is amazing, and all anyone can ask for (after all, arent we all doing the best we can with the things that are handed to us?). I hope you have a fabulous friday...keep your head held high :)

  7. hey molly! thanks for the nice comment :)

  8. molly, i agree that my blog is for me and about me! i am glad you could relate to me!

  9. I love your blog, and there's no need for you to apologize! You should structure the blog in whatever way makes you feel most comfortable :)

  10. hey michelle!
    i am glad you enjoy reading my blog :)

  11. This is your blog, don't feel the need to justify yourself to others, just make sure you stay true to yourself, and recovery. I haven't really read your blog, just happened upon it, but all I can say is hand in there. AND stop staying 'sorry' so much-I know, I was the 'sorry' queen and it starts happening even when you have nothing to be sorry for. I think if this blog is fueling negativity towards you in any way, you should either back off it, or start teaching yourself to take a different perspective. It's YOUR blog, you don't need to prove anything to readers, but YOU DO need to stay accountable to yourself and stay happy and HEALTHY!

  12. hey liz! thanks for stumbling upon my blog! i definitely agree with you on being accountable for myself and that is one thing i am currently working on right now :)

  13. Jenna-
    I have been reading your blog for a while now. (I took a break from mine, but now I am back) I too am recovering from disordered eating. I do not find your eats or anything triggering. Being a blogger myself, I know we do not post everything we eat. I don't think its necessary. But I really do admire and respect your ambition and positive attitude! Don't let other people bring you down girl! have a fabulous day!

  14. I saw those and I was shocked, I had to refrain from commenting because I would have taken on all those mean commenters! :P

    I saw nothing wrong with your post, so don't ever feel like you have to apologize! I totally agree with the recovery stages, not everyone is at the same spot.

  15. ill keep reading ur blog no matter what! i luv u girlie! hang in there!xoxox
    katie anne

  16. Hey Girlie Girl!!! I do not think that you should have to post all your eats because this is YOUR blog! You are free to post and blog about what you want! I love reading your blog because of your fun attitude, not your meals! I have celiac and am allergic to almost everything under the sun so i'm sure if I posted everything I ate ppl would send me rude comments. That being said I hope that you're doing amazingly, and loving and caring for your body with good nutrition! food is fun and tastes great...mixing it up makes life more interesting! i'm about to send you a starbucks gift card so you can go get a gingerbread latte, YUMMY! I hope you have a great weekend, goodluck with the end of the semester!!! xoxo!

  17. aww thanks lizzy for your sweet comment. i am glad you enjoy reading my blog and i hope you continue to do so! and i love reading yours as well ;)

  18. Interesting which comments you chose to post and which ones you conveniently leave out. I can't read any longer. I'm sorry, but I've been here from the beginning and I hope you are honest with just yourself, no one else. You don't need blog readers, you need to figure out who Jenna is.

  19. And I haven't always commented, and I chose to stop replying to blogs with my blog address because I got readers that weren't conducive to my recovery, in case you are asking where my blog is-but you will probs just delete this.
    -Hannah L.

  20. With all of my studying madness, I missed all of this craziness going on...just keep up the blog how you like it girl. If you want to post all of your eats, go for it! If you just want to post what happens to be on your camera...doooo it! Just have fun with it and do what you think is best! Happy Friday!

  21. hey hannah! i appreciate all the comments you left and have been leaving, i read them all!
    i don't recall deleting any of yours, but if i did i am sorry, i know blogger has been acting weird lately for me :/
    i hope you do wish to contiune reading and i hope my blog will not trigger you and i also agree with you on being honest with myself and not others! talk to you soon girl :)

  22. I don't always sign my name.
    So, you didn't know you were deleting my comments.
    It doesn't matter. I hope you are serious that you do agree about being honest w/ others and yourself (moreso yourself). I've been there. It's no fun. but, well I have to go but hopefully you have support at home.
    -Hannah L.

  23. thanks hannah! i think this winter break at home will be very helpful to me and i definitely need it :)
    do you have a blog btw?!

  24. Hi Jenna!
    I hope the comments don't bring you down enough to make you want to stop blogging! I think it is really great how you blog. Everyone is telling you you aren't honest, but blogging does make you honest because you are blogging what you eat, which can be beneficial for recovery! I think everyone is just trying to help you, even though it might come across as negative!! Let me know if you need anything :)

  25. oh girl i definitely do not plan on quitting blogging. i absolutely love it!
    but after recieving lots of comments concerned about me, i think i got a reality check and i am now going to be more honest and true to especially myself and my readers :)

  26. were all here for you girl =)
