Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The big reveal

Hey everyone! I have been keeping this a BIG secret! But if you cannot already tell I gave my blog a lil makevoer ;) I am super excited about it and I just wanted to do a quick post! I hope you like it and I cannot wait to fool around with it to make it even better!
I got my inspiration to change my layout from my girl Jenny! Thanks so much girl, I love your blog and new layout :)

I worked with Ellie from Rainy Day Templates for my new layout. Ellie is so great to work with and she is very accomadating, she made my blog exactly how I wanted it! Go check out her website. Thanks again Ellie!

Well I am off to eat breakfast and it is snowing here. This could not be a better morning...a new layout and snow! Oh and did I mention my first class already got cancelled, hollah! That means more time to work on my blog this morning ;)
This is what I woke up to...snow and Regis & Kelly!
Love Regis & Kelly in the morning!To back track to last night I finally completed my TO DO LIST I made last Friday!

Two philosophy papers finished!

Now onto my breakfast for this morning! I had a REAL yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a ripe banana, and a dollop of Teddie's peanut butter on top with milk on the side.

This yogurt mess could not have gotten any better. I was in such a good mood this morning because of my new blog, the snow, and how my first class got cancelled that I made a real yogurt mess and put a yummy DOLLOP of peanut butter on my oats. 'Twas delicious and I enjoyed every single bite! I was so proud of myseslf.

Well folks I just wanted to do a lil quick post for ya and now I am going to get ready for my ONE class today and then venture off into the snow! I will post later again today. I hope you like my new layout :) Have a Happy Humpday!

Oh yeah did you notice my pictures are a bit bigger? Do you like it this way or should I make them smaller? Lemme know what ya think!


  1. I love it, it's gorgeous!! :)

  2. girl your blog looks beautiful! i love it :) and good job with breakfast today keep it up im so proud of you!!!

  3. Love the new layout, very pretty. We got a blizzard here in Iowa yesterday so glad it moved onto the east coast:)
    Glad you got in your peanut butter this morning, makes it that much better!

  4. GOOD for you girl!! PB seriously makes everything better.. i couldnt eat oats w.out the PB! i love regis and kelly too :) and i LOVE YOUR NEW LAYOUT!!!!!!!!! good luck boo!

  5. cute layout!! & i like hte big pictures

  6. thanks for all the compliments!
    i am gonna keep working on it all day to spice it up some more :)

  7. Your blog looks amazing!! So pretty!

  8. I've been trying to give mine a make over, but I keep being unsatisfied! But you're is AMAZING! I love it! xxxx

  9. cute makeover, gorgeous <3

    bec xo

  10. aww your blog looks gorgeous girl :)

  11. Hey girl, the blog looks great. But....make it REALLY about you by puting time into YOU. I know you said you were going to work on the blog today, and I think that is a good distrction, I just want YOU to put time into YOU----and you aren't. Put time into your recovery. Recovery isn't easy. I don't even use the term with myself, but I own it personally within myself-if that makes sense. You KNOW what you need to do. It is hard, scary, feels shitty and well-it sucks BUT I can PROMISE -life REALLY does get better with recovery. It's not fun, or easy. You aren't alone. Kiersten

  12. nice blog design jenna, very refreshing indeed! cool! :P

  13. Looks awesome! Now I'm thinking I need to change my layout too... :)
