Sunday, December 20, 2009

My new love

Well let me just say this morning I woke up to this...LOTS and LOTS of snow! I am pretty sure it marked the first OFFICIAL snow storm of the season. We definitely got over one foot of snow! Yes, that would be mi padre snowblowing the driveway in the bottom right hand corner!

Last night I went to the Natick Collection to do some ALL of my Christmas shopping with Claire. Okay so I know I mention her like everyday so I think I should let you all know that she has been my best friend since third grade and we pretty much hang out all the time, as if you couldn't already guess ;) She goes to American University so we only get to see each other when we are both home. So we hang out as much as possible! So if you are a new reader and are wondering who the heck I am talking about, I am talking about my bff!

Here is a pic of her, she is such a sweetheart and I love her. I hope she doesn't mind being on the blog, but I don't think she will ;)Here is the beautiful Christmas tree they have at the mall. The Natick Collection is a very very nice mall and if you live in the area or have not been yet I definitely recommend going there!

The trip to the mall was not bad at all and luckily we hit NO traffic! The mall was kind of crowded but that was to be expected considering it was the last Saturday before Christmas and the busiest shopping day of the year.

I must say the trip to the mall last night was a HUGE success. I got my mom a new Movado watch, my dad a brown Northface jacket, my sister perfume from Gilly Hicks, and my lil sister a shirt from Hollister and a maltese dog calender!

But I clearly did not buy gifts for everyone else, I had to treat myself to an early Christmas gift ;) I remembered yesterday I told you all how my bowls are just blah, so I knew what I wanted...a nice new beautiful bowl! I wanted to pop into Anthropologie just to look around and I came out with a lovely new bowl and a new favorite store!! We also ran into another one of our friends from high school, Jen! It was nice to see her :)

So I must say I have a new love to Anthropologie and I kind of want EVERYTHING in that store! I have made up my mind when I am older my whole appartment is going to be filled with beautiful stuff from there :) Can't wait!So here is my new bowl...I kid, I kid.

But no really, here it is! Isn't she a beauty?! It is called the In-The-Studio Bowl, a handcrafted of colorful earthenware, this vessel is playfully stamped with dashes and posies.

For breakfast this morning I knew I just had to use my new bowl, so a yogurt mess it was. I had Brown Cow Vanilla, Barbara's Original Puffins, another overriped banana, and a dollop of Teddie's smooth peanut butter with milk on the side.A lovely yogurt mess all mixed together after I ate a few bites :O

I think I am pretty much snowed in for the rest of the day. But nothing is better than snow, relaxing, Patriots, and Christmas tea!

How are you spending your Sunday?!



  1. Love the new bowl!
    good luck with all that snow :)

  2. That tree is so pretty! Wish my tree was decorated that nicely... Try to stay warm!!!

  3. omg i loveeee anthropologie! my wallet hates me for it, but i don't care! you did well on xmas gifts, i think your fam will be very pleased! enjoy your snowy day!

  4. hope you're enjoying the snow and staying warm! I also love anthropologie but can never afford anything there!!

  5. Pats game!! yess! so much snow and love the new bowl!

  6. Ahhhh I LOVE that bowl! You're snowed in now too, sameee...although I told you that lastnight haha! This sucks, I'm incredibly bored! Hope you're keeping warm girl!

    Much love!

  7. I am snowed in here too!! I think I only live a couple of towns over from you. We should plan a meet up! :)

  8. omg! really? we totally should :)

  9. No PB yet again. Sorry you are struggling .

  10. i LOVE your new bowl!! sooo cute!! sounds like a blast at the mall..your bff is beautiful :)

  11. anon,
    Not to sound rude or anything but do you know what peanut butter looks like?!

  12. Great snow day eats girl! Gotta love a day of shopping. Your bestie sounds like a sweetie!
    <3 jess

  13. HAHA! Um yes I do and I believe when you mix peanut butter (brown) in with vanilla yogurt (white) you will get something that looks quite different. In fact I just had some last night for a snack before I saw this.

  14. Just to clarify, I see the peanut butter PRIOR to mixing. I actually don't care. I'm done reading your blog anyway (as I see many others are). Good luck.

  15. i must not be using as much peanut butter as you are! but i can assure you there is pb mixed in there...believe it or not!
    do you think i should add more? because i am still currently only using one tablespoon. how much do you use?

  16. Do you friends and family know about or read your blog? I can't even imagine telling my friends; they would think I'm narcissistic and nuts. My mom looks around sometimes, but I'm hoping yours doesn't since you just announced what her Christmas present is!

  17. Anthro is my life! Too bad I also need to make working my life to keep this habit up... soo expensive! But, I <3 your new bowl : )


  18. Just stopping by to say hey! I love your new bowl!! I wish we had an Anthropologie close to where I live!

  19. i use 2 tablespoons with my oatmeal/yogurt mess every morning...sooo good! def try to bump it up girl it can only help you plus theres more to enjoy!

    -Dana :)

    ps. i wasnt the anon that said anything above...this is my first comment on this post! (just to clarify)

  20. hey dana!
    yes that is one thing i am currently working on...trying to add more pb to my breakfast!

  21. wow some amazing gifts right there! im in love with anthropologie's kitchenware... so beautiful!
