Monday, December 28, 2009

Last chance

Evening bloggies! Don't forget tonight is your last chance to enter my KIND giveaway! You have less than 3 hours and then I will be picking one lucky winner.

Here are some goods I picked up quickly at the grocery store this afternoon.

Let's see we have some naners, FSTG Multigrain & Sweet Potato, 2 Plain Chobanis, Amy's Non-Dairy Burrito, and Gala apples.

I went to Stop & Shop to get these goods since it was on my way home and can you believe they don't sell Oikos yogurt? I was bummin' because I had a coupon to use! I guess I will have to venture off the Shaw's later this week.

I also had 2 coupons for FSTG to use up by the end of the year. Since the year is coming to an end I made sure to put these coupons to good use! They did not have all the flavors on sale but I ended u buying Sweet Potato & Multigrain. I knew I wanted the Sweet Potato to try but I wasn't sure on which other flavor I wanted.
I wish they had the Buffalo, The Works, Cinnamon, or Chocolate...but they didn't :/ So I ended up buying the Multigrain. I mean you can never go wrong with a multigrain chip!

Before I even could snap a pic of what I got at the store my younger sister already was snoopin' through the bags to see what I bought and helped herself to some Sweet Potato chips ;) She REALLY enjoyed the chips and said they were great! I can't wait to try them myself.

Alrighty chicas I am peacin out for the night and going to bed early since I have work tomorrow 10am-3pm. I wil be posting the winner of my giveaway tomorrow!



  1. you're right, multigrain chips never fail. hope you enjoy your purchases!

  2. have a great day at work love! youll have to let me know how the FSTG chips are!

  3. Yummy loot! I love the FSTG chips. The sweet potato and potato and chive ones are my latest favs, but the cinnamon and buffalo ones are pretty tasty too.

  4. Great buys :) hope things have been going well and you've been taking care of yourself hun


  5. hope your day at work is fFLYING by!!! I still havent tried the FSTG chips!! let me know how they are!

  6. I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of those chips! I've been very curious!
    <3 jess

  7. plain chobani = my love.
    cereal taste so good in it!!

  8. You are going to LOVE the multigrain!! They aren't as good as "the works", but they totally grow on you!!
