Thursday, December 3, 2009

It is December, right?

It is December, right? I am double checkin' to make sure it really is December 3, 2009 because the weather sure makes it feel like it is not! Last night I slept with my dormroom window open since it was that hot in my room. Today was probably in the mid- 60's and it was gorgeous. It definitely did NOT feel like December as students were walking around campus in shorts and t-shirts. But hey I am certainly not complaining! I must enjoy it while it lasts because I hear it is supposed to get into the 30's this weekend. Yikes!

My morning started out with a rushed yogurt mess since the usual happened to me, I woke up kinda of late and thought I had more time than I really did :/ I hate having to rush to eat my meals, I like to enjoy every single bite. Especially breakfast since it is my favorite! But anyways there is always breakfast tomorrow morning. My yogurt mess was Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and some Teddie's pb mixed together with milk on the side. I forgot I don't have a picture because my camera was dead this morning so therefore I had to charge it up all day. But now it is all ready to snap some foodie pics ;)

This morning I had my Biochemistry test that I was complaing to you all last night about. I am pretty sure it went well, but I will have to wait and see ;)

Lunch today was turkey, swiss cheese, romaine lettuce, and tomaotes on whole wheat bread alongside a Red Delicious, pretzels, and milk.

This afternoon I spent getting a lot of work done since these last two weeks are going to be very stressful with lots of studying and work before winter break starts. Speaking of winter break, I will be home again in two weeks! Whoo :) It feels so weird since I just got back to school from Thanksgiving break. Gotta love college!

Dinner tonight was broiled chicken, mixed veggies, a Harvest roll with a touch of oats, and milk. So as I was eating my dinner tonight the fire alarm went off and you want to know what I did? Well it just so happens I just continued eating my dinner while the alarm went off! You are probably thinking I am crazy and why I didn't leave my dormroom. Ya wanna know why I didn't leave? Well I will tell you and the reason is REAL simple because in college when you give a college student a microwave and popcorn...a disaster is bound to happen! It is so true though because people do not know how to make popcorn and they always end up burning it! So I didn't even bother leaving my room because I knew the alarm would be going off shortly and just as I was about to leave my room, it went off. Thank god. I mean I should not get into the habit of staying in my room when the fire alarm goes off because who knows when it will actually be a fire!

Tonight I am going to relax and watch Grey's Anatomy with the roomie. Can you believe a week ago today was Thanksgiving? I can't!


  1. Ha, yes, it IS December but I agree ... the weather has been weird!

    The past few days it's FINALLY gotten cold (and I don't know that I like it, ha!)

    Have a great Friday!!!

  2. Ha, yes, it IS December but I agree ... the weather has been weird!

    The past few days it's FINALLY gotten cold (and I don't know that I like it, ha!)

    Have a great Friday!!!

  3. I am so jealous of your delish cafeteria good! When I get to college, mine better be as good as yours!
    <3 jess

  4. that roll looks so nice and hearty! It definitely feels like winter in my town...chiiiilly!

  5. LOL i cracked up about your fire alarm thing bc i DID THE SAME THING LAST YEAR! gah, we are twins!!!

    i <3 pretzels dipped in mustard..seeing your pretzels remind me of that

    you are so sweet! i love your comments and your sweet nature :)

  6. wow i'm jealous it definitely feels like december here! it freakin snowed today haha ,but yeaah i usually ignore the fire alarm too... probably not the best tactic. your sandwich looks good :)

  7. Hi Jenna, I'm a new follower! I'm glad to see someone else living in a dorm. We can commiserate! I can't believe it's December already, but it's probably my favorite month so I won't complain (well, I'll complain about finals, ha).

  8. thanks jo for now following my blog! i love new followers and i just commented on your blog as well! i hope you continue reading mine as i will yours :)

  9. where do you live that its so warm???

    It's 6 years since I lived in a dorm! enjoy it, this time in your life is so soo fun!

  10. MM, that sandwich looks yummy! I know..the weather's been nuts! It's 68 degrees down here in Boston! Crazy!
