Sunday, December 6, 2009

I love Sundays

I know this is going to sound very strange to some of you but just hear me out on this one. I must say I really enjoy Sundays! Anyone else with me on this one? Ya, I didn't think so since I know most people dread Sundays because it is the last day of the weekend and a new school or work week is about to begin. But I must say I really enjoy them. To me, Sundays are very relaxful and low key for me, at college anyways ;) I enjoy the day as best as I can, I usually rest, watch Sunday football, do homework, and catch up on blogs.

But anyways, enough raving about how I love Sundays. This is a picture from my dormroom of what I woke up to! Isn't it so pretty? The snow just gets me into the Holiday spirit so much! I love it. I mean the first snowfall is always very exciting but by the time then end of February rolls around, you can certainly bet I am sick of the cold, snow and winter by then! It seems like winter is the longest season, it seems like it lasts forever.
After excitment over the snow outside I had some breakfast that involved some Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a banana, Teddie's pb, and some milk. Can you guess what I had? I know it's a real hard one!

A perfect yogurt mess :)

Since most of you have been concerned about my snacks since I ususally do not post them on my blog, I just tend to post blogs! But today I finally decided to post my mid-morning snack! I DO eat snacks throughout the day because I would definitely NOT be able to survive on just having three meals a day! Even though I don't post all my snacks does not mean I do not have them. My snack this morning was a cute lil package of Salted Peanuts. I really like these individual packages of peanuts because they are already pre-portioned out to one serving size and they are perfect for on the go!

Lunch was un-pictured because the roomie was in the room, ya know how that goes! I still have not told her about my blog and I don't think I will. I know some of you think it would be a good idea for me to tell her but I am still debating on it.

Dinner tonight was broiled chicken, peas & carrots, a Harvest dinner roll with a touch of oats, and some milk. Don't ya love how I say a Harvest dinner roll with a touch of oats instead of just a dinner roll? Well I am just going by what my dining hall calls them, hah!

Tonight on the agenda is to finish one of my philosophy papers and begin the second paper if I am lucky and watch the Amazing Race. Ya know my sister is required to watch the Amazing Race for her Social Studies class! I thought that was rather interesting when she told me that. I wish when I was in seventh grade my homework involved watching t.v. ;)

Well I am off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday evening and I hope you have a great night as well!


  1. Sunday is my day off, i never really do anything on Sundays and i love it.

  2. I'm not a big fan of Sundays because they're almost TOO relaxed for me. I usually end the day feeling kind of gross, although it's the one day I really do get homework done. I suppose it's a trade-off!

  3. I also LOVEE Sundays! Probably because it's considered a 'lazy' day, though I'm usually stuck being productive and busy with school work and meetings.

    Hope you have a restful evening, dear!
    bec xo

  4. bec, i am glad i am not the only odd ball out there who enjoys sundays ;)

  5. i love sundays & how relaxing they are. i never feel like i have too much on my plate on sundays. and im sorry to hear people kinda giving you a hard time, but just remember it is all out of care/concern...i agree with them & hopey ou do what you need to do to get help and beat this


  6. i LOVE sundays too!! you arent alone!

  7. hahah! Oh Dining Halls...gotta love 'em! Oh and I love Sundays too! :D

    Not BioChem, but just good ole' O Chem Notes! Yay?! haha

  8. haha i hate sundaysss. i always have to do so much work for my classes usually while still hungover or just exhausted ;) love those portioned peanuts too! if i had a blog i'd prob have a hard time telling my roommate too! (even though she's been living with me since freshman year and we're bestttt friends)

  9. I know you get so many comments, but I hope it's gonna 'click' one time. But from my experience: I think deep down inside you already know the real truth...

    Girl, you have to take better care, every day. No exercising and eating way, way more. To gain weight, you usually need AT LEAST 2500-3000 cal's a day. Your typical day (like today, I assume you had a wrap with pretzels and an apple for lunch? Because you don't say anything about that) is way, way less. Not even half of that amount! A real weight loosing diet.

    I don't know about your Nutritionist, but I think it's so important to have someone to help you with that on a more regular basis who is specialised in ED's!

    And fat-free (or really low fat) milk, diet cereals and all that stuff...not for you now sweetie!

    Just do it, find the help and embrace the online support...You CAN do this!

    xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  10. I have the SAME EXACT picture from when I went to your school out my window! In fact, we may have even been in the same room!!!! I'm not kidding. I think I was in 221???

  11. omg girl! that is too crazy! i am however not in 221...but i am in 219! which is right next door!

  12. Hahaha! That is sooo funny!! Yup, i was in 221! I have some CRAZY memories in that place :)

  13. I agree--Sundays are the day to be absolutely lazy! PRetty snow!

  14. I do love Sundays--but the later in the day it gets, the more I start dispising it! lol

  15. I have a love/hate with sundays. I hate knowing I have work the next day but I love being lazy all day!

  16. I definitely agree, Sundays are my favorite day of the week:) I was in the same situation last year (debating whether or not to tell the roomie about the blog). Ultimately, I told her and she ended up really liking it!

  17. I love Sundays too! Such a lovely relaxing day. So I definitely must be an odd ball, too! haha.

  18. girlfriend! i find that sooo weird that you lived in the room right next door to where i live now. it is sucha small world :)
