Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gimme some fiber

Hey y'all! Hope your Tuesday went well, mine was muy busy! I worked all day today and the mall was pretty busy. I work retail and Christmas is in 3 days, so you get the picture... I had to deal with lots of CRAZY last minute shoppers.

After five long hours of helping dads with power point slides their daughters printed out and with grandmas from Europe buying for their grandchildren I was free to go home and a nice lil package was waiting for me from
Fiber Gourmet

I received some lite cheese snackies and pasta!

I loved Cheez-its as a lil kiddo so I am sure I will love these as well. If you can't already tell by the name "Fiber Gourmet," there products are filled with fiber. These lil packages of cheese bites have 8 grams of fiber! Can you say Gimme some fiber?
I can't wait to try the penne pasta and rotini!

Have any of you ever tried Fiber Gourmet products before?

Don't forget to enter my KIND giveaway! You have until next Monday to enter, so go and enter now :)

I am currently watching The Biggest Loser: Where are they now? then I will be making some Holiday treats for my sister to bring to school tomorrow! What a good older sister I am ;)



  1. The Fiber Gourmet products look pretty good. I'm all about adding a little more fiber in my diet! I too braved the Christmas crowd today at the store... NO FUN.

  2. I love product with fiber, I will be interested to hear a review. Fiber one makes some really yummy crackers.

    *Check out my Heart Thrive cookie giveaway @ monicaonthego.com*

  3. I work retail too! It is horrid this time of year! people are c-r-a-z-y this time off year! I swear! Haha good luck!

  4. I've never tried any of those Fiber Gourmet products but i'm really interested to hear what you think of them!

  5. let us know how those noodles are!! cant wait to see what you make with them :) maybe some cheese involved perhaps? pasta isnt nothin w.out cheese!!

  6. hey jenna! thanks for the shout out about ya win some ya lose some :) sorry i have been waaay behind on blogging~i've added you to my reader now though so when i get a hot minute i can catch up with you :) hope you have a happy holiday, girl! xoxo

  7. im excited to hear how they are!! i've never tried them

  8. Wow those products look great, I can't wait to find them in stores:)

  9. I saw the BL where are they now-it was amazing! I love the stories about the couples that got married! so cute!

  10. mmm pasta! So glad you are trying new things!

    to reply to the comment you left on my blog- YES I played lacrosse all through high school and then some in college as well. Im SO excited to get back on the field (even if it is just coaching). I love it!
    How long have you played lacrosse? Wanna come help me coach? lol

  11. I've never even heard of Fiber Gourmet, but I tend to get a little nervous when fiber gets shoved into places it doesn't belong. It always makes me wonder if does the same thing for my body as getting fiber from a naturally high-fiber food, like an artichoke.

  12. these look delicious!! im so interested to hear the review when i was little id eat cheeze its by the BOX no joke!


    ps. my best friend just started a blog...check it out!!

