Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day after Christmas

Happy December 26th! I hope you all had a great Christmas this year! I know I did :)

Once everyone left my house on Christmas Eve (which was close to midnight!) I put on my new pajamas my mom always gives us on Christmas Eve and hopped into bed for the night waiting for Santa ;)
We were all up in my house on Christmas morning by 8:15am because my youngest sister is still at that age where she is up at the crack of dawn and super excited! But none the less I was also pretty excited as well to open presents so my other sister and I both got up since she kept coming into our rooms telling us to get up!

It is a tradition that we always open our stockings first then open the presents!
Our stockings are always packed full with cute lil goodies.
Let's see I got some socks, undies, iTunes gift card, Burt's Bees (love), loafa, make up, perfume, lotion, hand sanitizer, and Panera & Subway giftcards. I don't think I will be running out of money any time soon with my $75 to Panera. I guess Santa really knows I adore Panera ;)

Then it was PRESENT TIME!
My mom "Santa" is so cute! She always puts our presents together with our names on them.
I must say I made out pretty well this Christmas! I must have been a good lil girl on Santa's list. So that is pretty much what your girl Jenna got this Christmas! The morning was filled with spending time with family and our new gifts!

My family and I usually go over to my dad's side for lunch and then my mom's side for dinner...but this year was different because of some family problems! Long story. We did not go over to my dad's side instead we just went over to my mom's side of the family early for lunch and dinner. Yeah, we were there for 8 hours, no biggie! What can I say, we are one big happy family! My mom's side of the family is very close and we see each other a lot more of each other than my dad's side.

I don't have any foodie pics but I will sure tell ya what I ate. Lunch was very late, there was prime rib, ham, caesar salad, mashed potatoes, corn, squash, rolls, and lots of other foods as well! My aunt Jackie is an amazing cook! My plate consisted of ham, mashed potatoes, a roll, and squash that was delicious I even went up for some seconds!

Once the rest of the fam came over it was PRESENT TIME! Instead of everyone having to buy presents for all the cousins, each family picks two or three kids to buy presents for. Yes I am still a kid so I am still included in the kid's grab ;) I got more perfume, a light blue Burberry scarf, and a Vera Bradley travel cosmetic bag. I was a happy camper :)

A little while later I was getting hungry for some dinner since it was near 8 o'clock. I had a ham sandwich on a toasted roll with some of my aunt's homemade mac & cheese, 'twas delicious!

The rest of the night was spenting laughing, talking, and having a great time with my family, the people I love so much! That is what Christmas is all about!

We finally left around 10pm and it was snowing! A white Christmas...kinda?! I was a tired girl after an awesome day so when I got home I snuggled up in my bed for the night!

What was your favorite gift you recieved on Christmas?
Mine is definitely my iPhone! I didn't even put it on my Christmas list and I still got it :)



  1. looks like you had a great christmas!! i loove the shoes & way to score on the i phone :) glad you enjoyed your holiday meals


  2. looks like you had an AMAZING time! and I love all your presents. super jealous. Glad you had a good chirstmas girly :)

  3. beautiful christmas! so glad to hear you enjoyed it! have fun with your new phone! and continue to enjoy your break from school! xoxo! :)

  4. yay for a white Christmas!!

    Love the iphone girl! :D

  5. Your family sounds a lot like mine! My mom always gives us new pj's and we had prime rib Christmas day as well.

    Your gifts are awesome!!! :) My favorite gift? Ummmmm, probably my uggs!
    <3 jess

  6. wow you were SUCH a good girl!! yay for IPOD touches!! sounds like you had a great time w. your fam!

  7. You got amazing gifts! Loving the iPod Touch!

  8. Anonymous,
    what exactly are you referring to when you are telling me to be honest because i would really like to know.

  9. love vera bradley!!! enjoy your gifts!! sounds like it was the perfect xmas :) so glad you enjoyed it!!

    and what is anon talking about "be honest?!" hahaa

  10. Aww thanks Naomi! I had a great christmas!
    And yeah I have NO idea what that anon is talking about! Who knows! Haha

  11. This is a different 'anon' but perhaps -just from reading some past posts of yours-the person is saying to be honest about your eats. Unless you are no longer talking about them. I'm new and like I said I was just going by what I've seen in past comments and it seemed that was a 'theme' -being honest.
    No idea.

  12. Dear 2nd anon,
    I respect your comment and that you want to be anonymous but your comment you left is nothing hurtful it is helpful and honest. You should leave who you really are! Just a thought!
    I definitely agree with you about how the first Anon was sayingto be honest and I agree with her and I have been very very honest lately. But the comment she left was very strange, she just randomly said "be honest"! I mean yeah I know that! Maybe she could have ellaborated a bit more!

  13. Have you changed from a recovery blog to a blog about your life? Either way it's fine, you need to do whats best for you. You were deinifely struggling and to not talk about food during a very stressful ED time make sense, in a way, but you also leave people wondering (I'm guessing thats what anon was saying) if you are eating. I'm sure you'll post back with a comment about how you've been eating all sorts of great things-but to counter her, just be honest-or take time from posting your eats and focus on your recovery.

  14. glad you had such a wonderful x-mas - plus an iphone too!

  15. Glad you had a fantastic Christmas!!!

  16. Hi Jenna,
    I totally agree with you that the comment the first anon left was not very informative. The only thing I can come up with is that you always said that pasta was a fear food for you, so I think it's great that you were able to eat the mac and cheese!! I loove mac and cheese and would never be able to pass that up either. Congrats to you for conquering a "fear" food!

  17. You got some great gifts! I love your stocking stuffers!

  18. wow what great gifts, I LOVED ALL THAT WAS IN YOUR STOCKING!!!
