Friday, November 6, 2009

One word: FRIDAY

One word: FRIDAY
Happy Friday! If you can't tell by my post title I am very excited it is Friday and this week is over. It has definitely been one long stressful week. I must make this post quick and snappy because I am leaving for the night with my friend Carly to visit some of her friends at their college! I am really excited :) This mornings breakfast was a great yogurt mess, Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and a dollop of Teddie's pb with milk on the side.
Sorry for such a quick and boring post but I wanted to make sure I got it in today before I left for the night. I hope you all have a great weekend! I will be back tomorrow with a recap of my Friday night.
Are you doing anything exciting this fall weekend?


  1. girlie your posts could never be boring. love u and sorry for lack of commenting...i have been reading tho!


  2. Have fun this weekend! I'm actually home for a few days...I needed to relax! Enjoy your trip xo :)
