Monday, November 23, 2009

Now that's a wrap

Happy Monday everyone. I hope you had a great start to your work or school week! Just keep reminding yourself it is a short week because THANKSGIVING is in 3 days! I am very excited to go home, spend time with my family, and celebrate the holiday! Oh yes and I forgot to mention...decorate for CHRISTMAS :)
Let me rewind to last night's dinner, I had broiled chicken, peas & carrots, and a Harvest Dinner Roll with milk.
I feel like the last time I had peas & carrots (besides here at school) was when I was a lil kiddo. It is so nice to have foods I have not had in a long time! Last night I did NOT get a good nights sleep at all! I went to bed around 11:30pm but my roommate stayed up til nearly 2am writing her paper. I kept waking up every so often and then had to go to the bathroom, so I was up the majority of the night. I hate night's when I don't sleep well :/

To make up for my lack of sleep last night I deserved a much needed yummy yogurt mess for breaky to wake me up. I had Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, with some Teddie's peanut butter with milk on the side. It was the perfect breakfast :)

I then had my weekly Monday appointment with Karen which went well and then I had two morning classes.

Lunch was a turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, romaine lettuce, and tomatoes. Now that's a wrap!

I also had a juicy Fuji apple,
the last remnants of my pretzels,
and milk.
Ok so for some reason my copmuter is not letting me upload my pics of dinner and I really don't feel like fighting with it so I will just tell you! It says there is some internal problem, I don't know! But anyways dinner tonight is broiled chicken, green beans with mint, a huge Country roll, and milk. I will try posting my dinner pics tomorrow morning.
Tonight is my last night here at school before going home for Thanksgiving Break!! I have two classes tomorrow morning and then my mom will be coming up to get me :) I am very excited and she also told me today we can go grocery shopping together when I get home! Whoah. Yes, I do love grocery shopping ;)
Gossip Girl, Jon & Kate plus 8, and Cake Boss are all on tonight! Although I do watch Gossip Girl instead of Jon & Kate since they are on at the same time and then Cake Boss. A nice relaxing Monday night :) A great way to start my Thanksgiving break!


  1. ah cake boss. hilarious show. he's so....weird.

    good to hear you get to go home earlier than most people! =D

    yay for yogurt messes and pb. and your cute peas and carrots. !

    have a great short week!

  2. What kind of tortillas do you use for your wraps? They look really good! :) I love making wraps for lunch. The fillings are endless - veggie burgers, hummus, beans, avocado, mmmmmmmmmm! :)

    Sorry you had a rough night last night with your roomie staying up so late... :(

    Thanksgiving is almost here - YAY!! :)

  3. hey jenna! I blogged awhile back, I just haven't been keeping up with it, sad I know! But I think we commented back and forth a few times a few months ago?! Anyways.. I just logged back on and I re-looked at your site! But anyways, how do you like the kashi go lean? I love all of kashi's other foods, but I haven't tried the go lean... You can always shoot me an email, or comment a previous post! I really appreciate it! :)

  4. Enjoy your last two classes! You can get through them!

    I agree--now THAT'S a wrap! Yummmm!
    <3 jess

  5. the jack and kate thing is sooo sad!! poor kids :(

    i love crispy apples! that apple looked super juicy.

    sorry you didnt sleep good :( i always found it hard sleeping in the dorms.

    YAY for a BREAK!!!!! have an AWESOME thanksgiving beautiful!

  6. glad to see your wrap a little bigger! and yay for almost being done w/ classes :)


  7. that wrap looks pretty darn tasty!
