Tuesday, November 17, 2009

An apple a day

An apple a day
Good evening! I hope ya had a terrific Tuesday and tomorrow is Hump Day :)
Breakfast this morning was another yogurt mess ;) Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, and a sliced banana with Teddie's pb and milk. I did not snap a pic because the roomie was in the room and it was an early day, but ya get the picture!
Classes went well today and then I came back for some lunch. I had a turkey whole wheat wrap with pretzels and a cold Fuji apple. As you can tell I ate most of my pretzels before I took the pic, I always seem to munch on them while I am preparing my lunch ;)This afternoon I was kind of tired because I went to bed kind of late last night and then the roomie came back from the library and did some work and kind of woke me up, I am such a light sleeper. I will wake up to a pin drop!

Now something hit me today while I was eating lunch...I am kind of getting sick of eating an apple practically each day with my lunch. Can you believe I actually said that? I mean don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE apples, but just not really as the weather is getting cold. I realized there are other ways of getting in my fruits each day besides an apple with my lunch, ya know what I mean? So this week I would like to try a new lunch!

This afternoon was rather unproductive as I layed down for way TOO long and got no work done and then I had lacrose practice. We did some sprints, lacrosse, and then we played soccer and my team won of course and I scored one of our teams' two goals ;) All of those years of playing soccer payed off and I got to show my soccer skills to my team ;)

I then came back to have dinner which was a mixed salad pea pods, mushrooms and onions, topped with broiled chicken and a huge wheat harvest dinner roll on the side with Lactaid milk.

Well I am now off for the night to watch THE BIGGEST LOSER! They are all getting makeovers and motivational speeches. I can't wait to see how they all look afterwards! I will also be watching The Hills and The City. As you can tell I love my t.v. shows, probably a little too much! But of course I will be studying and getting work done all night.
Do you have any ideas on a new lunch I should try? What is your favorite?


  1. jenny, about your new e-mail address?!

  2. i have gotten about that with apples before too! then i switched to oranges.

    for lunch-you should try a sandwich with tuna and cheese (or a wrap) or an easy pasta dish, or heat up an amys meal.. and add a peice of chocolate after every lunch for "dessert" :)

    i love snacks like almonds+pretzels, clif bars, yogurt+cereal too!

  3. Switch it up with a banana or a pear! OR even applesauce! :)

  4. I had a tangerine yesterday to add a new fruit in--yum!

  5. You should having a salad with chicken and avocado. I also love tuna and laughing cow on an english muffin! I tend to eat the same lunches too so that's all I've got haha.

  6. yay! you should definitely switch it up :) you could replace that apple with dried fruit? or oranges are always delicious. i don't blame you for sticking to your warps, but i feel like you need some varietyy..i know how hard it is in college though and i often eat the asme things too :\ have a great week hun


  7. Do you think it's healthy to watch the BL? I find it very triggering since they push such low calorie diets and processed low cal foods over real food (like no pineapple? what?)
