Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wacky Weather Wednesday

Wacky Weather Wednesday

Well can I just say today has been the weirdest weather ever! This morning I woke up to pouring rain, then the sun came out, and then later this afternoon it looked like a hurricane was coming, it was soo windy out.

Ok so first and far most! Can someone please tell me how I missed THE HILLS and THE CITY last night? Anyone?! I honestly totally forgot about it until this afternoon while I was in the library. Huge let down :( But don't worry I already got it covered, they are both on tonight so I will be sure to watch them!

But anyways since this is a FOOD blog we shall proceed onto my eats fotr the day! Breakfast was a yogurt mess with Brown Cow Vanilla yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a banana, and a scoop of Teddie's peanut butter with milk.

My lunch was the classic smoked turkey on whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with pretzels, an apple, and milk.

After eating lunch I met withKaren (the therapist) at Health Services for about an hour. It was overall a good appointment. She knows I am doing a good job so she wanted me to ask her questions and be in charge! But she then took over and conducted what we talked about, hah!

My afternoon was spent AGAIN in the library doing some homework. Then I came back to eat some dinner because I was starving.

Dinner was broiled chicken, vegetable mix, and an artisan dinner roll with milk.

Tomorrow I have a BIG Biochemistry Test so I will be studying tonight. I hope I do really well on this test because I have been preparing for it since Monday, which is totally NOT like me. So I hope all of my hard studying will pay off ;) Wish me luck!


  1. The weather was crazy down in here in Boston, too! Good luck on your exam!!

    - Jil

  2. yum yum yum your eats look so yummy.

    hmm i think i may be hungry right now!

  3. good luck on your test girl :)

  4. good luck!! u'll be fine! ur a smart cookie :-)
    katie anne

  5. All the best jenna in your exams! btw, been reading your blog for a while and enjoy the simplicity of your eats! esp the breakfast mess and your lunch wrap! :)

  6. Good luck on your exam. I am sure you will do fine! I really don't miss those days... haha!

  7. It's been raining on and off here in Jersey... Good luck on your test! I have three tomorrow...! I should probably be studying. :/

  8. weird weather for sure !! :S
    good luck on your test :D

  9. im happy to see banana back in the messes in the morning ;) oh and p.s. GOOD LUCK !!!! You will do awesome!


  10. The weather was insane in NY yesterday too. SOOOOO windy! Good luck on the test!!!

  11. hope your test went well my dear!

    your eats surely look fab so i am sure you were well fueled to ACE the test today!
