Friday, October 9, 2009

Tomorrow Tomorrow I love you!

Tomorrow Tomorrow I love you!

Yes, I do love tomorrow! Well because...I am going HOME tomorrow! I haven't been home since I came to school late August so I am more than excited :)
This morning for breaky I had a yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, the rest of my Kashi cereal, a banana, Teddie's peanut butter and milk.

Then I was off to take my Philosophy midterm which wasn't that bad! Let's hope I did well. Then I had my Nutrition class and then my four day weekend began :)

Lunch was smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes with pretzels, a Fuji apple and milk.

This afternoon I had lacrosse practice for a little while just to get ready for our tournament tomorrow.

Tonight we are all going to my captains appartment to have a team dinner and watch The Hangover! Sorry for the short recap of the day but I hope you all have a fab Friday night ;)


  1. Hope you have a great trip home! I never got to go home much doing college... one I work alot and two - it was a good 12 hour drive!!!

  2. Enjoy being at home!! YAY for a long weekend!
    <3 jess

  3. Love "The Hangover"!!! So funny! I hope you have an awesome time at home! Enjoy!

  4. I wish I had a long weekend... My school doesn't "recognize" Columbus Day. How lame is that?

  5. There's something SO refreshing about leaving college to go home--makes you really appreciate your family, good ol' bedroom, etc. Have a wonderful time!

  6. have an awesome trip! :)
    and Im so glad to hear all about your lacross ! you seem to love it!!

  7. enjoy your trip home! Word around the blogosphere is you won TWO giveaways this week! CONGRATZ GIRL ;)

  8. hey girl just wanted to let you know you won my giveaway! shoot me an email!
