Sunday, October 11, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Happy Sunday! Thanks for bearing with me for not posting yesterday, well I did...but just not a very long one! If you read my post yesterday I just got back from college for the long weekend and all I really wanted to do what spend time with my family, so thats what I did :)

When I got home yesterday afternoon this is what was waiting for me!!!packages, packages, and more packages!!!

Last night I went over to my cousin's house with the whole family to celebrate my cousin Aidan's second birthday. It was so much fun getting together with everyone and seeing my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grammy. They were all happy to see me as I was to see them :)

For dinner I had salad with ham and cheese slices and a dinner roll with milk. I don't have a pic because I was with my fam and it would have been kinda awkward taking out my camera. Sorry everyone:/

We stayed over there very late chit chatting and having fun. But once we left and went home I immediately snuggled in my nice big comfy bed! I couldn't have been any more happier! I slept through the whole entire night, not waking up once. Now that I tell you is one good nights sleep :)

Breakfast this morning was an english muffin with Naturally More peanut butter with a banana and milk on Halloween paper plates obvs ;)close up of my english muffin after I took a bite :o

This morning I had some Naturally More peanut butter that I left at home for times like this when I come home from school! And can I say OMG I LOVE THIS PEANUT BUTTER! Ok,well I just did! I gave it a nice little stir in the jar and put some on my english muffin and let me tell you it was devine! I had this peanut butter this past summer but this morning I absolutely just fell in love with it! I guess after having the same pb over every morning like Teddie's, that when I swiched it up adn had some new pb I really got to taste how good it really is! I can't wait to have it again tomorrow morning and I defs will be bringing this baby back up to school with me ;)

Lunch was QUIZNOS!! I had a turkey, swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomato on a small wheat sub roll toasted! Hollah. I am now obsessed with Quiznos if you can't tell. I had it once this summer with momma and I fell in love. I love how they toast the sandwiches, they are delish! The turkey is so fresh and thin and the cheese melts everything together! Mmmm. I also had some pretzels and a Red Delicious with my sandwich and a glass of milk. Again, I don't have a picture becasue my fam was around eating. Sooo, you get the idea!

Then I went GROCERY SHOPPING! I bought a few staples for when I am home until Wednesday. But I must give credit to my mom because she did buy lots of good food for me since she knew I was coming home! She knows me too well.

So I just went to the store to buy a few more things for home and then some things to bring back up to school with me.

I bought Kashi Go Lean cereal, Kashi Garden Vegetable Pasta, Amy's Non Dairy Burrito, Quaker Original Oatmeal, 2 Vanilla Chobani yogurts, and 1 Vanilla Oikos yogurt. Boy have I missed you Chobani! I had a FREE coupon for Oikos so I picked one of them up as well.

I also had a coupon for Kashi frozen meals so I picked out the Kashi Garden Vegetable Pasta which sounded good to me. Then of course I had to buy my love Amy's Burritos.

Another exicting item I bought was OATMEAL! Now I must say I have never had oatmeal before (well at least not that I can remember). I may have had it when I was younger but I am not sure! So since I have seen it on pretty much everyone's blog I knew it was time to finally TRY IT! I started off just buying regular Quaker Oats. I am not sure which oatmeal is better than others so any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Tonight my younger sister had a BIG field hockey game against a local rival team under the lights. My family and I of course all went to the game to cheer them to victory. We are big Super Fans ;) My sister did very well in her game and they ended up winning 3-0! Wahooo :)

After an hour and a half outside in the cold bundled up in blankets I came home to have a semi-late dinner. I knew exactly what I wanted and that was the Amy's Non-Dairy Burrito I bought earlier!My burrito with a semi soggy side salad with milk.

Yummm! You may think it looks gross but let me tell you it was heaven in my mouth!

Well folks sorry for such a long post but I had to fill ya in on my life! I am off to watch The Amazing Race with my sister who is required to watch it for her Social Studies class! How cool is that? I wish that was my homework in college! Haha.

Have a nice Sunday night and enjoy the long weekend :) Hope you all have the day off tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like a fun-filled weekend to me!! :-)

    And packages, groceries, and good food galore!

    I am actually not a huge oatmeal fan myself, it never fills me up :-( So I stick to cold cereal!

  2. I suggest apples and cinnamon oatmeal! Mmm! Love what you bought! Love it when mom spoils me too :)

    Enjoy your week, girl!
    <3 jess

  3. nice job Jenna. looks like you really mixed up your food today! and you did it! have a great Monday tomorrow!

  4. I know what you mean by not wanting to take pics of food in front of family. It just makes you feel a little awkward, hah! Glad to hear you had a great weekend with your family!!

  5. awesome packages you got!

    the amys burrito looks great!

  6. Exciting packages & groceries! Enjoy your evening!


  7. Don't have to apologize for taking time off to spend it with Family!!! I am happy to hear that you enjoyed yourself with the fam. That is what life is all about! I also love getting packages!! Or any type of mail for that reason!

  8. no shame in being obsessed with quiznos. its one of the best sammie places ever!

  9. yummy sounds good! I'v never had those bars before :) I'm doing a giveaway on my bloggie! Maybe you can win lucky #3? lol

  10. haha i hope so jocelyn!
    can't wait to check it out!
