Thursday, September 24, 2009

What a late night

What a late night
Wow it is late! A lil past midnight and your girl Jenna is still up on a school night. Not like me!I usually go to bed soon and get a good night's sleep! Well this is gonna be a short and quicky post becaue I am soo tired. I spent all night writing my Philosophy essay and I am so releived I finally finished it now I can get me some sleep. Tomorrow is Friday and the weekend starts :)Dinner last night was broiled chicken, mixed veggies, and a Multi Grain dinner roll with milk.This morning was a yogurt mess with some new peanut butter ;) I had Vanilla Brown Cow Greek yogurt with Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and a dollop of TEDDIE'S peanut butter with milk!

I decided this morning to open up the new peanut butter jar! Tomorrow I will show you some picks and give you my review on it ;) Promise! Because right now all I want to do is go to sleep.

Lunch was a smoked turkey wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with pretzels, a Red Delicious, and milk.

Today was a long day of classes and then I had practice and dinner with the team. Then I had to write my three page Philosophy paper :/ no fun! It took me all night. I just sat down at my computer and wrote the paper.

Oh yeah I somehow managed to eat dinner in between writing my essay. I had a piece of broiled chicken with broccoli florets, a Multi Grain roll with milk.
I am off to get some beauty sleep ;) Sorry to be sooo boring and quick. I promise tomorrow I will have a much better post for you all to read because I won't have any homework to do because it is Friday and I only have two classes!


  1. Have a great weekend! xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  2. Ooohh college life.. I could not stay up past midnight if you asked me too hehe..What do you play in college?

  3. Oh College. So much fun ;)
    Have a great weekend!
    Your food looks faboosh!!

    And congrats on the Zevia win, girl!! WOO HOO!!

  4. Ah, college... I'm kind of scared for my future! xD Sometimes I pull all-nighters though and i'm only in high school. Granted, it is advanced, but college is a whole 'nother ball game!!!

  5. I don't even recall the last time I stayed up that late. Yes, I am a granny, I know. But without sleep I am like frankenstein hahaa
