Monday, September 28, 2009

Remember these things

Remember these things
Hola amigos ;) Hope everyone if off to a great start to the week! My day has been bueno! My breakfast started off with a nice yogurt mess, Brown Cow Vanilla yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, sliced banana, and a dollop of Teddie's peanut butter with milk.
Today is Monday and you know what that means...Gossip Girl. Well obviuosly, but more importantly my weekly check-ins with Karen at Health Services. My appoinment went well, my weight and vitals seem to be stable and going in the right direction so she is giving me the OKAY to practice twice this week!
It was also Karen's birthday today so I want to give a lil shout out to her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN ;)
After my appoinment I went to go check my campus mail and I got a lil card from momma :) She is so sweet! In the return address she wrote MOM with a heart next to it and drew a flower on the back of the envelope. She was an art major in college so she is so artsy (but I didn't get any of her artisitc ability whatsoever, my lil sister did!)Rememer these things-
you are talented,
you are needed,
you are valued,
you are loved.
She wrote a wicked nice letter in the card and I began to tear up a bit. I love my mom <3
This morning for class I had Philiosophy and Nutrition then grabbed some lunch before heading off the Biochemistry Lab for the afternoon.
I had a smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, pretzels, a Red Delicious, and milk.

Tomorrow I have a test in Sociology followed by a quiz in Biblical Theology. So tonight I have some studying to do but I can't miss Gossip Girl tonight, no no! I already studied for Philosophy this afternoon so after dinner I am going to spend the majority of my night re-reading all of my Sociology notes! Wish me luck.

Have a great Monday night amigos :)


  1. Awww! Yay for a sweet card from home! Good luck on your test and quiz tomorrow! I am sure you will do great!

  2. Good luck on your tests, girl! I'm sure you'll do great!

    Mmm, your yogurt messes always look fantastic!

    So sweet of your mommy :)
    <3 jess

  3. aw mommy's are the best :)

    enjoy GG!

  4. Awwww aren't Mom's the greatest?! Thats an adorable card :) Hope you're having a good Monday!

  5. aww that is totally the sweetest thing from your mommy :)

  6. that is the sweetest note from your mom :)

  7. I'm a gossip girl junkie too! That card is so sweet and pretty :)

  8. Moms are the best! My mom and gramma always send me such cute cards and letters. I keep em' all in a box and read em' when I am missing them terribly!
