Friday, September 18, 2009

Love Happens

Love Happens
No I am not in love if that was what you were thinking! Although i wish I was ;) But tonight I am going to see the movie Love Happens with my girls.
This morning I tried my free sample of Kashi Honey Sunshine :)I loved the Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal! It had a nice touch of honey to it and had just enough crunch to it. I will definitely buy this again, perhaps I will use my coupon on a large box of this ;) I mixed it on top of Stonyfield Organic yogurt and topped it with a banana and a dollop of PB & Co. Smooth Operator peanut butter and made it into a nice yogurt mess along with some milk :)I love Fridays because I only have two classes. It is a great way to start the weekend off right! I had lacrosse practice this afternoon but before hand I had some lunch.

I had a smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with some pretzels, an apple, and milk.

This semester I am taking a Nutrition class if you did not already now. I absolutely love this class and I am learning a lot! Today we were talking about foods containing pesticides and chemicals. They are also known as the "dirty dozen" and one of the most common fruits on the list are apples! Check it out on-line, it is actually pretty intersting stuff. So I would suggest washing all your fruits and veggies before or even better buy foods that are Organic :)

Well I am off to grab some dinner to go tonight and then do some homework. Yes I know it is Friday and I am going to do homework, but I have a lot of work to do this weekend. This upcoming school week I have a lot due and I want to get a head start on all of it. I have most of tomorrow to get work done but on Sunday I have a lacrosse tournament here at my college so that day is gone! But don't worry your girl Jenna is not staying in all night. Like I said before me and some of my gals are headin' to the movies tonight way later on!


  1. im with ya on the weekend-homework!

  2. i never wash my apples...i need to stop eating so many though so many washing them will make it harder for me to grab an apple with every meal i need to mix it up

  3. aw i totes thought you had a mayneeee ;) have a great time with your gal pals!

  4. I always try to buy the 'dirty dozen' organic!

  5. have fun at the moveis!! and yuck about the apples.. i'll have to always make sure to wash mine before i eat them now!

  6. I think I have that bowl! Is it from Target??

    A nutrition class would be awesome! :)

    <3 jess

  7. i love using that cereal to make my morning yogurt messes! it's so yummy and the nutritionals are awesome! hope you had fun at the movie, i want to see that one

  8. Have fun at the movies, I hope you will have a great weekend!
    Glad that you liked the cereal:) And your wrap looks really good, as usual (question: do you just love wraps or it is a kind of 'safe food' for you?)

    Enjoy your weekend!
    xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  9. hope you're having a good weekend! that nutrition class surely sounds interesting :) please share some of the good things you'll be learning. hihi!
    loads of care
