Saturday, September 26, 2009

Daddy Daughter Date

Daddy Daughter Date

Hello everyone! I sure hope you all are enjoying the first weekend of the fall!
Last night I went out with my girlfriends, it was an okay night and it was freezing. I didn't bring a jacket and I thought I would be fine but I wasn't :/ So Jenna was a lil bit cold. But then I got back to my dorm in the wee hours of the night and snuggled up in my comfy bed. I really love my bed at school, it is so comfy :) I am so going to need my electric blanket up here at school especially in the winter! It gets sooo cold at night.
This morning I didn't wake up until 9:30, which for me is really late! But I guess I just need my sleep especially if I stay out real late. I had a lovely yogurt mess with Brown Cow Vanilla yogurt, Kashi Heart to Heart, a sliced banana, and 1 tbsp. Teddie's peanut butter.
Now I know the other day I said I wasn't a big fan of Teddie'sbut that did NOT mean I hated it. Of course I liked it because I continue eating it each day ;) What I meant to say is it just tastes different from what I am used not that it was bad. But I think the other reason why it wasn't awesome was probs because I got the unsalted peanut butter which may cause it to taste a little funky! So next time I will make sure to try the other kinds. I am sure enjoying the start to fall! This afternoon my dad came up to visit me at school :) I was so happy to see my dad and it was really nice we could spend some time together. We went to the football game, although my college team lost it was a close high scoring game. During halftime I grabbed up some lunch from the caf. for the both of us. I got a turkey wheat wrap and a Red Delicious for me and a tuna wheat wrap for my dad. He commented on his lunch saying it was really good! I told you my school cafeteria is BOMB ;) Oh yeah I forgot to tell you they now sell FSTG Chips! Can you believe that?! It is soo awesome. I haven't gotten some yet but you know I will.
It was a great afternoon with my dad and I was glad he took the day off from work to visit his fav daughter at school;) He also brought me some stuff from home and slipped me a few 20 dollah bills...cha-ching! Gotta love my daddio :)
I am currently blogging right now (obvs) but I might go do some homework later and then grab some dinner before going out tonight!

I was also wondering if any of you take any daily supplements? Or are you opposed to them? Every since I went into the hospital for my ED I have taken daily supplements every day. I had to start taken them because a lot of my levels in my body were off so supplements helped me out. Now I still take them each and every day :)


  1. sounds like a great day with the pops!

    I just take a multivitamin and calcium supplements - It's like second nature now!

  2. Thanks for your comment, Jenna...great blog! Can't wait to follow you....keep up the great blogging.

  3. Oh my goodness, your school's food alone would bring me there. Hehe :)

    Glad you got some quality daddy-daughter time!!
    <3 jess

  4. i love daddy daughter dates :)
    so fun and heartfull!
    sounds like you had a great day.

    i take vitamins and supliments. Since ED. i kind of need to. They are healthy and get you what you need when you may have a day you cant.

  5. Good for you that you had such a nice day with your dad!
    I take some calcium and fish oil supplements.

    xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  6. aww love daddy daughter days :)

    I have yet to master the pb/cereal combo. My peanut butter never gets on the cereal :\

  7. Hey :) I just found your blog. It's nice that you could have a dad/daughter date! Sounds fun. And gotta love collage football (although I'm partial to OSU) :) I take daily supplements. It's acually a package and comes with everything I need (Like 7!!) For healthy bones, hormones etc etc..everything a gal needs :)
